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Stepping outside my apartment-doing my best not to socialize with the couple just right next door. Seriously, the couple are so lovey-dovey to the point that it makes me think that it's all a facade. I may not hear their argument next door, since the walls are so thick that it feels like an asylum, but I really have a strong feeling that they argue every single day. Who am I to judge? I'm just a pathetic stranger who has a caffeine-addiction.

Love ain't for me-I've learned that from a long, long time ago-the only love I have in my soul is the love for coffee. Trying to run down the stairs in a Saturday morning for some coffee from a Café around the block is an automatic movement for me. My brain is just straight-out in auto-pilot. I didn't even dare to say "good morning" to the people I walked pass. Is that considered rude? If it is, then I blame it for my constant craving for coffee.

Once I've finally got out of a maze of a building, the sudden morning breeze wakes me from the auto-pilot state I was in. I glance up at the day that dawns crisp and clear into my irises. The sun pours right down at me, casting a rosy hue across the clear morning sky. The golden fingers of sunlight paints the empty canvas of the heaven. Another day had dawned, huh? People might say, "another day for new hopes and aspirations." But for me, it's just another day to suffer alone. Glancing around the streets, the just-risen sun shines softly on the street, bringing with it a flurry of early morning activity.

If I wasn't rushing to get coffee, I would have just sat down on the pavement as I admire this beautiful scene in front of me. But that's not the case, and my brain keeps screaming for coffee every second, so there's no way and no time to sit in awe at the majestic morning. Coffee is a must, and I will have it now.

It wouldn't hurt to walk slowly, right? Walking slowly as I glance around the scene that's all around me. This is me, trying to find some sort of inspiration and hope, just like a normal person would. Would a normal person develop such caffeine-addiction out of nowhere? If the answer is no, then I wouldn't even try to fit in.

It's been like 5 months since I developed a caffeine-addiction, and between those 5 months, I've been trying to figure out how the hell did I developed such addiction. I didn't even like coffee-let alone taste one before-but ever since that... Mistake had happened, my body suddenly craves the taste of coffee every single day. Perhaps I'm in my mourning phase, but a mourning phase won't last like 5 months, right?

Since it bugs me so much, I pull out my phone and did a quick Google search on the question.

What's the average mourning time?

According to the search result, the grief lasts between 6 months and 4 years. Four years?! I nearly drop my phone at that information. So, there's a tendency of me having a caffeine-addiction for 4 years? Can I even survive that long? Well, since I have my phone on hand, might as well do another Google search.

Do people die from caffeine addiction?

I begin to brace my whole soul before reading the first search result on my phone. According to it, a person might find consuming too much caffeine and experiencing side effects to be easy. Letting out a heavy breath that I've been holding on, staring down at my phone to continue reading. However, oh god, a life-threatening overdose is rare, interesting, and a caffeine overdose as a cause of death is even rarer.

If I'm being honest, I don't know whether to be happy about that result or feel a bit disappointed that I will not die on caffeine overdose. Perhaps I'm part of those rare events. Now that's hope for me. Hope that I'll be dead soon. Is that even a normal thought to even think about-especially in a fine morning like this? I give my phone in hand a quick glance before considering another quick search. It wouldn't hurt to do another quick search. This is practically my career, just searching random stuff on the internet until I've found an inspiration to create a story out of it.

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