heart monitor

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The moment in her bathroom left Ellie confused for the rest of the night. She was unsure what to make of it, her mind was telling her that it was just her imagination, but her gut was telling her that it was something more. However, she had no idea what that something more would be, a part of her was even afraid of what it could mean. But she wasn't going to let that fear control her, she wanted answers and she was going to find them.

She wanted to share what happened with Scott or even Stiles but she knew they wouldn't understand, nor would they have answers. The more she thought about it the more she realized that she was on her own for this, she was going to have to find the answers herself.



Derek heard as Scott entered the parking garage, he heard as Scott dropped the groceries he was holding, he heard the curse that Scott let out under his breath. Derek surprised Scott, jumping towards him causing Scott to set off multiple car alarms, ducking behind one of the cars. Scott had realized that was a training exercise, and was doing well. Until his phone rung. This phone alerted Derek to his location, allowing for Derek to pull him out from behind the car.

"You're dead!" Derek yelled at him, still holding him by the collar of the shirt.

"What the hell was that?!" Scott exclaimed.

"I said I was going to teach you. I didn't say when," Derek responded, dropping his grip on his shirt and taking a step back.

"You scared the crap out of me,"

"Not yet,"

"Okay but I was fast right?"

"Not fast enough,"

"But the car alarm was smart right?"

"Till your phone rang," Derek responded, turning to walk away, though he could hear Scott following after him. 

"Yeah but that was, I mean, can you just stop?!" Scott shouted at him, trying to get him to stop moving. Derek obeyed, turning to face Scott. "What happened the other night. Stiles' dad getting hurt, that was my fault. I should have been there." Scott explained, a guilty expression painted on his face.

"I am what I am because of birth, you were bitten. And teaching someone who was bitten takes time!" He yelled at Scott, "I don't even know if I can teach you."

"Okay, well what do I have to do?" Scott asked, his tone desperate.

"You have to get rid of distractions. I caught you because of her," Derek explained, taking Scotts phone from him and holding up the notification from Allison. 

"Don't you think that's a little hypocritical," Scott snapped back, Derek raised his eyebrows at the boy, confused by his outburst.

"Why would that be hypocritical?" Derek defended, rolling his eyes.

"You and Ellie! You're just like Allison and I." Scott insisted, crossing his arms over his chest and raising his eyebrows at Derek.

"We are nothing like you guys-" Derek started, stopping for a split second before speaking again. "Ellie and I aren't even anything, there is no we," He defended, he knew what Scott was hinting at, but he would never reveal anything to Scott, especially without knowing how Ellie felt.

"You dragged her into the world of supernatural! She told me about what happened yesterday." Scott shouted at Derek, Derek could feel the guilt growing but worked to maintain his stoic expression he had on his face.

"This isn't about me! Ellie would not have been involved in all of this if it wasn't for you, you're the one who was bitten by the alpha. She's your sister, it has nothing to do with me." Derek replied, anger growing in his expression as he gritted his teeth together. Scott's face flashed with hurt at the accusation but he didn't say anything.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2023 ⏰

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