second chance at first line

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Ellie had never enjoyed watching lacrosse games, she didn't understand it or care for it. She hated watching people get hurt on the field, as the boys were always crashing into one another. She swore that sometimes she could feel it when one of their bones would snap. However, she always wanted to be there in support of Scott, so she always showed up.

 Ellie now sat on the bleachers after school, watching Scott and Stiles. She was against the idea at first, but Stiles was her ride home. Ellie cringed as she watched Jackson throw Scott onto his back. As their coach walked over to him. Coach said something to Scott, not loud enough for her to hear, but she could tell it upset Scott.

"McCall's gonna do it again! McCall's gonna do it again!" Coach called out as Scott ran back to his place in line, sending a glare toward Jackson.

Scott began running towards Jackson, but it looked as if his only intent was to run straight into Jackson. Ellie drew in a sharp breath and stood as she watched Scott throw his body into Jackson, knocking Jackson to the ground. Scott fell to his knees while the other players surrounded Jackson. Ellie and Stiles both ran towards where Scott was, Stiles getting there much quicker.

"Scott?" Stiles asked, coming over to him and putting his hands on Scott's shoulders.

"What's wrong?!" Ellie asked once she was close enough to the two, leaning over so she was at the same level as the two.

"I can't control it. It's happening right now." Scott spoke through gritted teeth.

"What? Right here? Right now? Alright, come on, get up." Stiles spoke, patting Scotts back as he dragged him away from the others. Ellie was quick to follow in the boy's footsteps, glancing around to make sure no one was paying attention to Scott. However, what Ellie failed to see was Derek, standing close to the bleachers, eyeing down Scott.

Stiles dragged Scott to the locker room as Scott threw off various pieces of lacrosse equipment. When they got into the locker room Ellie hurried to shut the door behind them, not wanting anyone to see what she guessed was about to happen. Scott leaned over the wall, taking in labored breaths.

"Scott, are you okay?" Ellie asked, taking a step away from Stiles and closer to Scott.

"Get away from me!" Scott yelled, his voice growing deeper as he flashed his fangs and yellow eyes. Ellie jumped back, leaping out of her brother's way as she split away from Stiles. Ellie and Stiles scrambled around the locker room, trying to avoid Scott and whatever he might do to them. 

After a while, Stiles took a wrong turn and ran straight into Ellie, knocking both of them off balance, giving Scott time to catch up to them. Scott growled at the two, lunging at them from on top of the lockers. Thankfully, Stiles had an idea, grabbing the fire extinguisher and spraying Scott with it. While Scott was distracted Stiles managed to pull him and Ellie out of the locker room, standing right outside the door. The two stood, breathing heavily as Stiles clutched the fire extinguisher.

"Stiles? Ellie?" Scott called hazily from the locker room. Stiles moved slightly to peer his head around the door frame. "What happened?" 

"You tried to kill us. It's like I told you before. It's the anger, it your pulse rising. It's a trigger." Stiles explained, kneeling in front of Scott, while Ellie remained standing behind Stiles

"But that's lacrosse, it's a pretty violent game if you haven't noticed," Scott complained.

"Well, it's going to be a lot more violent if you end up killing someone on the field," Stiles said, sighing as he spoke.

"You can't play this Saturday Scott. It's too dangerous." Ellie added in, giving a sympathetic look towards her brother.

"But I'm first line" Scott replied quietly.

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