magic bullet

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Ellie was laying in her bed, trying to fall asleep, when she heard howling from outside. She jumped up from her bed, hurrying to see if Scott heard what she heard. She got her answer as she saw Scott scurrying down the stairs. He was already halfway down when he saw her. 

"Where are you going?" She asked in a hushed whisper, being careful not to wake their mom.

"I think that was the alpha howling." Scott explained, "I'm gonna go see if I can figure out what's going on."

"Okay, be careful." Ellie spoke, concern showing through her features. Scott nodded before continuing down the stairs, while Ellie retreated back to her room. 

Ellie anxiously awaited Scotts returning, pacing around her room as she tried to rack her brain for what could be going on. Finally, she heard their front door opening at around three o'clock. Ellie rushed to her door, her hand reaching for the door knob as she was ready to throw the door open. However, Scott beat her to it, pulling her door open, rushing into her room.

"So? Was it the alpha? What happened?" Ellie spoke, overwhelming Scott with questions.

"I didn't see the alpha, but it was definitely there. There were also gunshots too. Someone was shot, I don't know who." Scott rambled as he tried to remember every detail so he could relay them back.

"Did you see who was shooting?" Ellie questioned.

"It was some woman, she was talking to Allisons dad too. She said whoever was shot had 48 hours." Scott informed her, a worried look on his face. Scott was obviously worried about whoever had been shot.

"Well what are we gonna do?" Ellie asked.

"There's nothing we can do right now." Scott sighed, "I was actually gonna try and get some more sleep before school starts."

"Okay, well, goodnight then." Ellie spoke, moving towards her bed.

"Night." Scott said, closing her door behind him as he left.


"If Derek isn't the alpha, if he wasn't the one who bit you, who did?" Stiles questioned, leaning forward over his desk as the teacher passed back tests.

"I don't know." Scott shrugged without turning around. 

"Was the alpha the one who killed the bus driver?" Ellie asked, leaning over from where she was sitting to the right of Scott.

"I don't know." Scott repeated. Stiles threw himself back into his chair, sighing at Scott's lack of knowledge.

"Does Allisons dad know about the..." Stiles started, though Scott interrupted him.

"I don't know!" Scott repeated again, though this time much louder, causing everyone else in the classroom to turn and look. Ellie pressed her lips together as she looked down, trying to avoid everyones attention on her, while Stiles tried to play it off.

The teacher had now reached their row, passing back Ellie, Scott, and Stiles' tests. Ellie and Stiles had both done well, while Scott had done worse.

"Dude, you need to study more." Stiles taunted, leaning over Scott shoulder again. Scott and Ellie both turned, giving Stiles the same annoyed look. "That was a joke. Scott, it's one test, you'll make it up."

"Do you want help studying?" Ellie offered, while Stiles nodded in agreement.

"No," Scott sighed, "I'm studying with Allison today after school."

"That's my boy!" Stiles spoke, an amused expression painted on his face.

"We're just studying." Scott defended.

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