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Stiles had been the one to take Ellie home after the events at the animal clinic. After telling Stiles what had happened with Jackson neither of them spoke. Neither of them knew what to say. However, Stiles was worried for his best friend. As he took in her pale face and tired expression he worried that there was more she wasn't telling him. But she assured him she was fine, and he chose to believe her. Ellie had no idea what the cause of her fainting spell was. The only logical answer being the sight of the wound and blood. But deep down Ellie knew that that wasn't the case. She knew it was something more. Not knowing scared her, but knowing scared her more. Besides, there was nothing she could do about it.

As Ellie walked inside she didn't feel the best, she was exhausted. She wanted nothing more than to go to bed. However, as she went upstairs she heard Scott coming in, and she was curious to see what Derek had shown him. 

"Scott," She whispered, going down the stairs, trying to remain quiet so their mom wouldn't hear.

"Oh, hey," Scott greeted as he took off his coat, he was expecting her to be in bed.

"So, what did Derek show you?" She questioned, coming to the end of the stairs.

"He took me to a hospital," Scott started, and Ellie raised her eyebrows, she wasn't expecting that, "He showed me his uncle. The one who was burned in the fire. Apparently it was the Argents who started the fire. Apparently, they killed more than just werewolves."

"What do you mean?" Ellie questioned, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Derek said to me that the Argents will only kill someone if they're an adult and they have proof. But apparently there were human kids in the house." Scott explained, growing quieter the more he spoke. Ellie could feel her heart drop. She felt awful for Derek, and the rest of his family, who were burned in the fire. How could Allison become a part of that? "Well, I'm gonna go to bed. I've got a big test tomorrow." Scott spoke again, moving past her to go up the stairs.

"Yeah," She spoke, shaking her head as she followed him up the stairs.

When Ellie got back into her room she checked her phone to see a text from Stiles. Apparently, Lydia and Jackson had been attacked by an animal in the video store. Ellie felt bad for Lydia, but she didn't care at all about Jackson. In fact, a part of her thought that Jackson may have even deserved it.


Ellie was lonely at school the next day as Scott and Allison had both skipped school in order to celebrate her birthday. Stiles aswell, skipped school in order to visit Lydia and check up on her. After school Ellie decided she wanted to talk to Derek. She wanted to see him after what Scott had told her last night. So, after school she made her way through the woods and to Derek's house. She knew that Scott wanted her to stay away from the werewolf business, even if he didn't say it out loud, but her curiosity convinced her it was a good idea. 

As she approached the Hale house it looked empty, which is house she assumed Derek wanted it to look. As Ellie approached the house she pushed the front door, letting herself in, she knew no one else other than Derek would be there. As she walked in she found Derek working out in the former living room.

"Do you ever wear a shirt?" Ellie teased as she stood in the entry way.

"What are you doing here?" Derek asked, standing up from where he was working out.

"I wanted to talk to you, about what you showed Scott last night." She spoke, watching as Derek seemed to only be listening. When Derek didn't say anything she started to regret her decision to come, "It's fine, I can just go-" She started but she was cut off as Derek grabbed her by the waist, pulling her behind the staircase.

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