Finishing the chapter with the truck scene, I'm litteraly debating on if I should tell Sebastian to fuck me in a truck cause I'm down for it any time. As if on cue, Sebastian enter the room while unbuttoning his cuff buttons and rolling up his sleeves. "Fuck, I'm tired" He exclaims as he plops down on the bed resting his head on my lap. "What are you reading?" He asks. "Nothing, it's about the criminal history of high schoolers" I say quickly. This book should be illegal! He hums in response. "Oh by the way, I'm supposed to call you that theirs a scene going on downstairs" He says and as quick as flash I push his head off my lap and grab the popcorn I made beforehand and run downstairs without realizing that I'm barely wearing shit. I hear yelling from the dining room as I slowly approach peeking my head through the door. "O damn~" I say as I slowly put a popcorn in my mouth.

"YOU CHEATED ON ME YOU ASSHOLE AND WITH HER?!" A girls yells as she points at another. He did what?! I would chop off Sebastians dick if he ever did that to me. I put another popcorn in my mouth as I bent inside more to see what's happening. Out of nowhere I felt hands on both of my ass cheeks. I know those hands anywhere and I know that sounds weird but it's true. I turn around to meet with a tensed jaw Sebastian who looks like he's going to fucking kill someone. "Why are you-" I get cut off my his own question "Are you wearing fucking underwear?" He says in a raspy voice. I snicker sheepishly as I stand back up straight and his hands glide of my butt. "You aren't, are you?"

"I'm not" I say looking away from him and direct my attention to the drama that's happening. Before he says anything else, I put my hand in his face telling him to stop. I grab a nearby bean-bag and sit on it at the entrance of the door. I grab my popcorn and put a bunch in my mouth but spit it out when the same girl declares something else. "WELL GUESS WHAT! I CHEATED ON YOU WITH MAVEN."

"What?! No fucking way!" It wasn't me who said that as a hand grabs some of my popcorn. It was Sebastian.

I turned around to see Sebastian scooching his butt on my seat as he grabs more popcorn and starts chewing on it.

He just passed the vibe check.

"Oh shit~" He says while leaning back when the guy hit Maven in the gut. "You asshole! I trusted you!" Ok, I'm confused. "The guy that hit Maven is or was his best friend". My jaw dropped.

"No fucking way..." I say. "Yes way!" Sebastian says as he grabbed the whole bag of popcorn from my hand and started munching on it. "Hey! Give that back!" I say as he keeps moving it away from me. "No, you eat too slow and always keep your hand in it!" We kept going back and forth with this argument but suddenly stopped when we felt many pairs of eyes looking our way. We tilted our heads towards their direction since I was on top of him and everyone was looking at us. "Hey... Guys~" I say as I sent them a little awkward wave. "We're going to go now" Sebastian say as we quickly tidy our selves up and when I mean we but it's Sebastian. He picked me up as a parent carrying their child, my bare legs dangling at his waist as he picked me up with one arm and the popcorn bag at the other. He quickly went upstairs after making sure everything private of me was covered. I groaned between his neck and shoulder, "We missed the main part" I say as he drops me on the bed.

"Hey! It's not my fault. Your the one who started grabbing the popcorn and climbing on top of me screaming at the top of your lungs." He says as he walks in the closet changing his clothes. "I'm bored" I groan as grab a pillow and throw it on the bed. I want to do some more skin care.

"Sebastian~" I sing as I walked towards the closet and grab his arm as I drag him to the washroom. "No." He says before I even say anything. "Your not even listening to what I was going to say" I pout and give the puppy eyes. He looks away immediately.

"Stop making that face. I'm still going to say no" He says again pointing a finger at me. I keep on making the face and he keeps on making disapproving sounds. I got an idea! I pretended I got hurt making his head snap my way. I made my pleading face again.

He groans and kissed my pouty lips before agreeing. I open my drawer in the washroom and a bunch of face masks, lip masks, eye masks, face roller and serums appear. "What the fuck? Are you running a science lab or something here?" He says as he steps closer examining the products in the huge drawer. "Let's get started" I say clapping my hands together and make him take a seat on my seat. "No- Yes" I cut him off as he started getting up but I pushed his big ass body back down. I grab tweezers to pluck his eyebrows. His eyebrows are nice, thick and shaped into an arch but I'm just going to making it more defined. "What is that?" He asks warily. "I'm going to pluck your eyebrows, it's going to hurt but the finishing product is worth it" I say as I grab my pink fluffy head band to move his hair out of the way. I stretch it out and slid it on his head. Before we began, I took a picture secretly and put my phone away. "I'm going to be fine, just hurry up." I grab the side of his face as pluck an eyebrow. He let out a lil shreak. I look down at him with a weird smile. "How do y'all do this?! It hurts as fuck!!!!!!" He says rumbling wear I pluck it. I got an ice piece and soothed the pain while he sighed in relief.

2 hours later (not really, just 5 minutes)

"Final-fucking-ly" Sebastian exclaims as I told him we're down with the eyebrows. "I'm never fucking doing this again" He says getting up but I put him back in the seat. "Now we're starting with the good part" He rubs his shoulder where I smacked him when he kept on screaming and not shutting up. "No~" He whined as he sunked into the seat. I wash my face with my gentle cleasner as so did Sebastian. I grab a towel and dry my face, I then hand it to Sebastian who looks like Chihuahua squinting it's eyes.

Oh fucking no.

"Don't rub the damn towel on your face!!!! Dab it." I grab the towel and did it for him. I grab two aloe vera face masks and hand one to him. He opens it up and almost dropped the mask because his dumb ass doesn't know it's filled with serums and other shit. He looked at me with a wince type of expression. I put mines on while looking at the mirror while Sebastian looked intentivly. He followed my movement and put the face mask on and might I say, correctly.

"This is cold" He says as he finished putting it on. "Next we're going to do a small face massage," I grab one rose quartz and one jade roller and hand it to him. "Ok, time for the lesson" I explain him what side to use for which part of his face. I grab a lip and eye mask, their's no need to explain how to put these on cuz it's super simple. But before putting the lip mask on, we did a lip scrub. We head towards the bedroom and I set a 15 minute timer. "Again." He declares out of now where as were laying down on the bed with our legs dangling off the end. "What?" I try to say through the lip mask. "We're doing this crazy shit again" He says taking of the lip mask and putting it on again and might I add, the lip masks is shaped as a red huge ass lip. We fucking look drunk right now, no wonder my brother shrieked everytime I come out with a mask on. Out of no where, Damon barges in the room but stops immediatly once he see's us. "What the hell are you too doing?" He says almost about to burst out of laughter. "Hot girl shit" Sebastian spats out while waving him off. I burst out laughing almost chocking on the lip mask. I see a flash and notice Damon taking a picture on his polaroid. "Where did that come from?" I ask since that this is a bit big to carry. "Oh, I always have it with me." He shrugs and leaves.

I hear heavy snores, I turn around seeing Sebastian asleep. I smack his stomach and let me tell you, I should have not done that. His mouth opens out of shock and the lip mask goes into his mouth. He gets up quickly and I start smacking his back trying to prevent him from chocking on a lip mask.

Just imagine a mafia leader dying from chocking on a lip mask.

Now that right their is a masterpiece of journalism. He inhales very deeply after he spits the mask out. Sebastian finally relaxes, "why did the mask taste good?" What the fudging chiken ball did he say?

"What did it taste like?" My curious ass self couldn't help but ask. "Rasberries?" He responds. My curious dumb self again does something stupid. Taking my lip mask, I was about to put it into my mouth but Sebastian smacks it away. "DUDEEE!!!! I WANTED TO TASTE IT!!".

The Mafia Leader & His Daring Assasin *NOT EDITEDWhere stories live. Discover now