33. The silver court - M.

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"I don't."

"Fine. Then let me enjoy my last night. Alone!" 

However, when he heard his steps disappearing in the distance, Mila felt a light stinge. Maybe she didn't want to spend her night alone after all, but she was not sure she wanted to spend it with him either.

At first, she forced herself to ignore those feelings, but after lying in bed for hours looking at Rome and thinking of Erik, sleep just wouldn't come. Samira also had a place on her mind and whatever she would be doing.

The little demon girl also acted as if she were pregnant, but she didn't feel pregnant. If she was, would it not be a magical baby like his daddy? Would the damn thing not kill her by shooting fire through her veins?

Everybody seemed crazy. In that brief moment, she craved normalcy so badly that it made her march into Kiril's room.

"I need your phone," she blurted out.

Kiril was not sleeping, what he was, was a sight to behold, shirtless, playing an unknown but bewildering beautiful sonata on the piano with his hair loose and eyes closed.

He stopped and looked at Mila. With a slight sigh, he tugged his hand into his pockets and handed her a phone. 

Fewer protests than expected. This is so, so creepy. 

Mila took it and went to her room. Stretching out on the bed, she typed Dasha's number. Dasha answered after the first ring. 


"Mila. You are alive. I am so happy."

"Barely or not for long. I don't know," said Mila giving her a brief summary of what happened.

"Fuck... me," screamed Dasha.

"It sounds like witchcraft and fantasy novels, but I have to believe you. So you are now in Rome with Kiril? He must be so happy..."

"Yeah, we rejoice in each other's company. It's a silent competition who is going to stab the other first while sleeping."

"I miss you, Mila. I am sorry about Erik and I am concerned about you."

"Miss you too. Everything kind of sucks. Not sure what I did to deserve it but my life was miserable anyway so no big loss there. Kiril says I am pregnant and that he can hear the baby and shit."

There was a moment of silence. 

"Well, are you?"

"I don't think so."

"Think? Did you pee on a stick?"

"No, it's kinda late for that. I think it's better for the poor little sucker to go down with me, in the very unlikely situation that it actually exists."

"But it's Erik's baby too, ya know..."

"Erik is dead and his body is host to a two-thousand-year-old murderous maniac."

"I know. Just saying..."

"Listen. If I die. Not sure how you will know, but if you don't hear from me within a month assume I did. Would you please throw white roses for me in the Thames? I sort of always liked them."

"Yeah..." said Dasha snorting.

"Cool. I love you, Dasha," said Mila and hung up.

After the call, a deep silence slid over all her senses and she fell asleep waking up only the next day around noon.

Ju entered the room and opened the curtains hurrying her to take a shower. As submissive as she was when interacting with Kiril, she was quite bossy otherwise. Mila didn't oppose any of her wishes and let her paint her face and do her hair as she pleased. Red lips and smokey eyes sparkled in the mirror. Ju did an excellent job, painting away her feelings under a beautifully frivolous mask. 

Moonspell (1) Werewolf RomanceDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora