14. The night, the lake, the struggle - E.

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Erik never considered Mila to be anything to him. It just wasn't right to think so. What she was, was merely a bad joke of destiny, a fun plot twist forced into existence by a bored, omnipotent goddess.

Still, when Erik heard Mila scream that night, and when he saw Akin touching and kissing her, he couldn't help feeling a million things. Besides the fact that he didn't want anybody to harm her, he felt clearly that he didn't want anybody to touch her, not like that, and even less without her consent.

At that point, all the politics and strategic thinking were shut down and the only thing he wanted was to sink his fangs in Akin's jugular. It did not even matter that he knew the boy, that he actually liked him, that he was Dahiru's brother, and that it would cause the massive conflict that it did in the end. The only thing that mattered was his rage.

All these things were going through Erik's mind while he was sitting at the table with Akin, Dahiru, and Samira. Samira insisted on being present at the gathering despite Dahiru's reluctance.

"You must be very naive to think I let you walk alone in there. You did not even bring Michael. I know you, Erik; I know how self-destructive you are and I am not letting it happen," she said before marching into that meeting.

Dahiru cleared his throat.

"Akin understands that what he did was wrong, that the girl cannot be his mate and he must have confused whatever lust he was feeling with a mate bond," said Dahiru looking at Akin to compel him to not say a word.

Akin frowned and bared his teeth that shaped into fangs.

"That is not true. I am sure she is my mate. Ask her," said Akin defyingly.

"I command you to be silent," hissed Dahiru.

It was the third time in a week that he used an alpha command on him. 

An alpha command made a wolf bow to the will of the Alpha. His father, that awful creature Erik tried too often to ban from his mind, had used that against him several times, making him bow to his vile will.

"However, Erik, I am not sure what you were thinking either or what is wrong with that girl. Akin said she lured him to that toilet. That is not the behavior of someone that has recently found her mate," said Dahiru.

"You seemed happy together," said Samira with palpable disappointment in her voice. 

"Regardless, you did not mark her and you did not claim her. That was causing trouble and it will continue doing so. Samira told me you just found her and she seems somehow reluctant but you have to think about everyone else. You have responsibilities I find ridiculous having to remind you of," said Dahir with a deep frown on his face. 

"She is... human, and she does not feel any bond," admitted Erik.

"Fuck." The surprise was evident on Dairu's face. "Her smell was indeed different but still not like human's. I didn't imagine..."

There was a hint of pity in his voice. Erik knew where that came from. Mila could not be his Luna, even if she would by any chance want to. Being human, she could not shift, be with the pack and they would never respect her, most probably. It also meant she could not bear him children. Wolves could not mate with humans; halfbreeds were rare and when that happened it was always with a she-wolf and a human man, not the other way around. The body of a human female could never resist the stress a hybrid baby would put her under and they always died in the end.

Erik never thought that far. In fact, he hated himself so much that he desired his bloodline to die with him.

"In any case, something is strange about her, on top of everything you said. Even I felt some sort of attraction and I am pretty sure she is not my mate," said Dahiru.

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