Chapter 8

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There was no way in hell her father declared at the dining table that the earl wants her to be in Carnarvon in less than a week, it was to early for this.. for heavens sake it is 7 o clock!.

That bloody bastard is not only a brute but also impatient and the most cruel creature she ever knew, she scoffed it is not something her father could put stop to, from now in it don't matter what her father thinks.

She is from now on that bastards possession, he owned her in the eyes of the society. "God help me" she muttered under her breath not spearing a glance at her food as she stood up, "Do not leave the dining table Rose" Her father authority tone would usually make her halt but she did not, "I don't have the appetite neither the time, I will pack my baggage's and fetch for things in the market" She told her father calmingly

He was quiet but nodded soon, "Alright but Lukas will accompany you" he told regarding her walking unprotected in the town.

She did not bother saying anything back to her father. Lately she distances her usual blabbering that he used to listen to, she couldn't see her father the same anymore. Even if her aunt said give him the benefit of the doubt he was still the reason behind her life being this tangled.

She rushed up towards her bedchamber. Rose Hamilton never cried, her mother said a word that was imprinted in her mind yet till this day ... she was young out in the ocean with her parents. Happy memories it were, but Rose soon accidentally dropped her favorite teddy bear watching it sink and drown in the deepest cold water. Rose cried hysterically and sobbed, her mother dried her running nose, "Crying is no good my angel" her mother grinned making eight year old Rose curious, "Why mother?"

"The ocean is salty enough, you wouldn't want it to drown more teddy bears right?" She laughed and Rose from that day never cried, well maybe it is a lie since another occasion in her life made her cry harder.

But it was nothing she did everyday, but she felt like crying today. She felt like doing anything to make her feel better, jump of a cliff anything to make this displeased feeling in her body leave.

Rose never lived her life doing anything she did not want to alright besides those stupid ballrooms her father forced her to go but besides that she did what she wanted. She was unaccustomed to this feeling.

"Drat it!" She snapped suddenly missing the taste of alcohol hitting her guts, "Destiny!" She shouted but heard nothing

No no she remembered she don't have a lot of time, she need to meet with her friends, take her horse for a run, go to the market and take in the town and it's glory before she could not, heavens she even wanted to see the towns bragging girls that always seemed to run their mouth, well they could run their mouth far now when she is getting married and shipped off to another town.

Oh you won't be there for long, Rose assured herself already plotting her plan of escape once everything is settled and calm the focus no longer is on her marriage.

Rose took off the light muslin she was wearing and dressed in her gown and tied her corset usually Destiny would neat her attire but she was no where found, Rose laughed imaging how her maid would scowl her for not tying the corset tightly, but god damn it that thing is designed for ones death.

Rose entered the carriage that waited for her, "God Morning my lady" Lucas greeted and tapped the horse ready to take off, Rose snorted grumpily, "It is no good morning, a bad one, bad morning why does people simply believe ones having a good morning every single day out of the 365 days in a year, totally absurd"

Lukas was in bewilderment hearing the lady ramble but nevertheless he could not help but chuckle, "I must say I agree though I never shared a thought on that"

Rose was far in her thoughts to hear what Lukas said, she shall ask her aunt for those arrows and a pocket knife could come handy, but her aunt probably would've think she is insane.

It is better to fetch that in the town she thought as the carriage came to halt, "Thank you Lukas you don't need to wait" She told him but he always gave her a unsure look, "Bu—"

"How many times have you said that when nothing happens? I have lived in this town my whole life and never witness whatever is going through your mind, besides I believe today is my last day of freedom won't you let me cherish it?" She dolefully said the last part making Lukas feel indeed she deserved that reason, "Alright but if I don't find you in one hour I will fetch you" he told her and she nodded in agreement

Rose roamed around the town loving every bits of it besides the society, the society was nothing but cruel and judge mental. And thankfully the word have not reached their ears, she would be bombarded with questions on how she caught the attention of the earl, little did they know she was signed before her birth.

She fetched a pocket knife at the forge, the owner of the shop looking at her sharply, "What brings you here my lady?" He asked unaccustomed to seeing women enter the shop, what a chauvinist thought rose but she only smiled sweetly at him, "My fathers request, please make sure to sharpen it very pointy"

She instructed watching him sculpt the pocket knife,

She shall buy every item in this store for self defense, a pistol maybe a good start.

"Here you have it" the man broke her thoughts and she paid him before keeping the pocket knife safe

So know the little problem of hers was done.

She had to face the biggest one, a vow that she promised her once closest friend. Rose felt emotional the tears stinging at her eyes

No it is not the end she told herself before entering the cemetery,

Cause there it stood Samantha Groover 1791-1810

And Rose lost it crying helplessly at her dead best friend's grave.   

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