"The End."

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I can't believe this is finished! I haven't finished a story in years. It's bittersweet but I hope you enjoyed following along this ride.

If you stuck with me to the end: thank you.
- J

Eight months later

"Jesus, doll. You're all wet."
You look at Bucky with squinted eyes. "And whose fault is that?"
"You're the one that kept asking me to go harder."

Bucky laughs while he opens the bedroom door for you. You were both soaked in sweat from your training session. It felt good to finally get your strength back but maybe you went a little overboard today.

You sit loudly in Bucky's bed with a huff. Or rather, your bed. Since you got home from the hospital, he never let you sleep alone again. Whenever one of you would wake up in screams from the nightmares, the other was there to calm them down.

It was hard at first, convincing each other that neither of you were going to leave. After apologising approximately 37 times for kidnapping you for HYDRA - which you never blamed him for - Bucky eventually accepted that this was real. Your relationship was real and out in the open and unbreakable.

Bucky takes off his sneakers still smirking at you and you stick your tongue out. You pull off your drenched white t-shirt and raise an eyebrow at him.

"Join me in the shower?"

The soldier lets out a little chuckle before leaning down to give you a kiss on the lips. "If I ever say no to that, I want you to take the gun we keep on the nightstand and shoot me, okay?"

You grab his face with both hands, kissing him deeply between laughs. Everything was good.

Your phone vibrates in your pocket and you reluctantly pull it out, breaking away from Bucky.

"Oh, it's uh... my mom." It still feels weird to say the word out loud.

After you woke up from the coma, Tony told you all he knew about your past and your family.
It took you a couple of months to decide to reach out to your mother after the initial shock. But everyone wants a mom, right? And so did you.

Nothing could've prepared you for the overwhelming amount of love the woman had for you.
You thought maybe she wouldn't believe you when you said you were her daughter and granted, she had some doubts. But after talking for a while and showing her all your records, she broke into tears and hugged you for a really long time. She didn't exactly understand everything, but her daughter was back and that's all that mattered. You'd been going back to her house with Bucky for Sunday dinner ever since.

Before you could answer the phone, Bucky took it off your hand. "I'll take this one, baby. Go ahead and get the water going."

You raise an eyebrow at him, suspicious. But he already has the phone pressed to his ear and is yapping away.

"Yeah, she's just taking a shower." He laughs awkwardly while you take off your clothes. "No no, it's still early."

Bucky winks at you and you shrug, walking into the bathroom and turning on the shower tap. You wait a few seconds before walking in, letting the warm water run down your aching muscles and relax you. You close your eyes and raise your head, breathing in the familiar oak and whiskey smell.

You feel a cold hand in your left hip before Bucky's lips settle in your neck. You smile to yourself, arching your back to press against him. He lets out a soft moan before sliding his right hand to your side, down your stomach and into your pussy.

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