"It's a massacre."

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TW: there's a lot of blood and graphic violence in this chapter.

I'm sorry in advance! Please don't hate me.
- J

Your head is unbearably painful. You fight through the thick white curtain in your eyes to look around. All the voices seem faded, like the TV on low volume when you're starting to fall asleep.
You manage to lift up your face to see Bucky but you're not sure if it's him or if you're hallucinating.

"B-Bucky?.." You mutter out with effort.
He looks at you, letting his face show how scared he is. "It's okay, baby, you're okay."

Adrik and John laugh, mocking his vulnerability. You fight your own mind, struggling to focus. You can see at least ten people in the room with you, unless you're seeing double and in that case there's only five. Here's to hoping, right?

"Pierce talked so greatly about you. His little toy soldier." Adrik circles Bucky, taking a long look at him. "Me, I always preferred to play with little dolls."

The doctor picks up another set of the jelly circles and presses them on to Bucky's temples. The realisation hits you. He'll try to bring the Winter Soldier back. No, this can't happen. You won't let it.

"Hey, doc." You speak out with effort and the man looks at you. "Why don't we go another round, huh?"

He laughs and walks back in your direction, his clammy hand strokes your hair.

"In due time, my dear." The touch is disgusting but it helps jolt you awake.

"Get your fucking hands off her." Bucky barks through his teeth.

"No, no, come here." You call out to Adrik when he starts to pull away. "I want to tell you something."
He leans forward, his ear close to your mouth.

"You know the thing about little girls, doc? They grow up." You headbutt him as hard you can and the man looses his balance and falls to his feet.

John runs to help him, like the pathetic scout boy he is. Adrik brushes him off as soon as he's up and smacks you hard across the face.

"Leave her alone!" Bucky shouts while the doctor presses his fingers on your shoulder wound, making you yell out in pain.

But it's a good thing, because it makes you angry. And the anger helps you focus your mind, think clearer.

"You have me! You said you'd let her go if I came!" The words come out of Bucky's mouth in a dangerous growl.
"No, Bucky... You've come too far to go back now." You shake your head.

"Enough!" Adrik claps his hands, getting everyone's attention. "There's no need to fight, children. I want you both."

"What?" John widens his eyes.
"What a team you'll make." Adrik laughs darkly. "The Winter Soldier and the Mutant Witch. We'll return HYDRA to its former glory in no time!"

You and Bucky eye each other. There's a burning rage behind the blue, not a single though in them that doesn't involve murder.
If the Devil ever came to earth, this is what he'd look like. Devastatingly beautiful and intensely ravenous, thirsting for blood like it's the very reason for its existence.

If Adrik gets both of you under his control, there's no telling how far HYDRA can raise. But most of all, you can't stomach the thought of letting Bucky fall into their hands again.

"This wasn't the plan!" John stomps his foot, authoritative. "We were supposed to exchange the girl for my pardon."
The doctor waves him off. "What good is a pardon? When we take over the country, you can be President for all I care."

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