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Bucky ordered an ice cream sundae, insisting it was his apology for the rude behaviour from the Slutty Blonde.
Well, that's unfair. Maybe she really was a very nice person. But she did hit on your date, right in front of you, through the waiter. So, yeah, you're going with slutty right now.

"I'm sorry, Y/N." Bucky murmurs, shoving the ice cream in his face.
"It's fine." You relax your shoulders. "It's not your fault some people have no decency."

He smirks a bit but changes back to his serious expression in a split second. "I meant about this morning."
"Oh, Bucky, no!" You wave your hand, dismissing him. "I'm not mad at you. I mean, I was. But I honestly think you gave me a much needed push."

You lick your spoon and point it at him. "But if you do it again, I'll kick your ass."

The man throws his head back laughing, clearly doubting you'd be capable of such a thing. He quickly glances over his shoulder, making sure no one would hear him. He leans over to whisper at you afterwards.

"The food here is below average, by the way. Where did you even find out about this place?"

Your cheeks warm a little. You enjoyed the burger just fine, but it definitely wasn't the best meal in the world.

"Peter recommended it to me, he said he loved it."
"Parker?!" Bucky raises his eyebrows, faking disappointment. He clicks his tongue a few times. "Well, that's what you get for taking the word of a kid from Queens. I'll take you to my favourite burger place, tomorrow."

You jold back slightly, the butterflies hitting your stomach. "You want to go out with me again tomorrow? That's uh, that's three days in a row."

"Yeah, why not?" He chuckles darkly, that devilish grin adorning his lips. "Honestly, I'd like to do a lot more to you than just buy you dinner."

You bite down on your lip, the butterflies now flying much lower. You swallow hard, wishing you hadn't refused the beer.

"So... what are the rules?"

Bucky widened his eyes in surprise before he let out a loud laugh.
"What?" You snark. "I like structure, rules equal structure."

"Sure, sure!" He combs his hair with his fingers, a strand falling out of place. "What do you have in mind?"

You rub your hands together, fighting through your embarrassment. "Well... Nat and Sam obviously know, but we should try to keep our weird little relationship private from the others."

"I don't do relationships." Bucky states, the ice frozen in his stare.
"No, right- I meant, whatever goes on between us." You stumble through your words.

"Right." He nods, piercing into your eyes as if he could read your soul. "So, we're just two people, helping each other relax."

"Right." You repeat. "No one needs to know and nothing needs to change." The words sound bitter in your mouth.

Truth be told, you didn't exactly have feelings for the super soldier, except the very evident physical ones. It was probably smart to leave your heart out of it, focus on the job and on controlling your magic. That's what you always did anyways, so this arrangement was just a little help.
Yeah, sounds perfectly reasonable.

Bucky seems to think for a while, before eventually extending his hand with a cocky smile. "We got a deal."

You grab his hand, the electricity from his touch caressing your entire arm.

"Deal." You breathe out.

He doesn't let go of your hand, wrapping his fingers in yours instead and stroking it with his thumb. His smirk is incredible seductive, setting the tone for how he wants the rest of the evening to go.

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