"My lady."

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For the rest of the day, you stay behind and help with whatever you can. Moving injured civilians, rounding up food for the agents, setting up tents for the night.

Bucky and Sam would check up on you through the earpiece, making sure you were okay. It would have annoyed you if it wasn't for the fact that the communication made you feel better about being away from them.

The night sky was settling when Tony approached you. He took his helmet off, his eyes giving away his exhaustion. The years weren't kind to Tony but he was just as handsome as ever. The grey hairs now spread all over his head somehow made him more attractive. What did Shuri called him? Ah right, a total DILF.

"So." He puts his hand in his hips like a typical dad. "When were you going to tell me you're Wanda 2.0?"
You chuckle and hand him a water bottle. "I'm not. From what I've heard, she's like, the master of mind control, not to even mention everything else. I just... move stuff around."

He raises an eyebrow as he drinks. "You flew."
You shrug your shoulders, dismissing him. "I'm stuff, I can move me. Apparently."

"Fair enough." He exhales sharply. "Just please don't disappear on us and kidnap an entire town, okay?" Tony speaks lightly but you know there's truth behind his words.

After Westview, Wanda went completely off the radar. No one's been able to find her. The only reason they know she's alive is because every now and again, Nat will dream about her. In her dreams, Wanda tells her she's okay and she's sorry. Natasha's absolutely convinced those aren't just dreams and that Wanda is putting them in her mind.
You're not sure if that's true, but you'd never be the one to take that hope away from them.

"Don't worry, Iron Dad." You give Tony a wink as you call him by his pet name - which he says he hates but definitely doesn't.
"Speaking of which, I have to get going if I'm going to make it for Morgan's bedtime." Tony looks down to his forearm, checking the glowing blue screen.

"Do you want me to get the hovercraft ready?" You offer, knowing how much it means to him to be present for his daughter.
"Oh, it's gone." He chuckles. "We sent it over to pick up some supplies, it'll be back in the morning to pick you up."

"What?" You choke on your breath. "Are we staying here for the night?"
"Yeah, kid. Don't worry, there's a tent set out for the three of you." Tony pats your back, patronising.

"It's not very fair that you get to sleep in your bed and we don't." You cross your arms in annoyance.
"Well, you could always put on your flying suit and go home." Tony activates the helmet back on. "Oh wait, you can't!"

The sarcasm practically oozes out of the suit and you stick your tongue out for him as he takes off.

One of the volunteers waves you over, signalling you that they're serving dinner. You wave her back with a smile as your stomach growls.

"Boys, dinner's ready." You press on your ear. "By the way, we're grounded for the night. Tony sent the hovercraft for supplies and then took off."

"Typical Stark." Sam complains. "We're still missing two people, so go ahead without us. We'll be over soon."
You huff out but comply. "Be safe, see you in a bit."
"Don't wait up, dear." Bucky snarks in your ear and you roll your eyes, secretly enjoying his seductive tone.

After making sure everyone was served, you sit down with some agents and medical staff to eat. The food - even if terrible - brings out all your tiredness. Your body's practically screaming for sleep at this point.
You help clean up before asking one of the volunteers where's the tent for the Avengers, eager to lie down.

It's a medium size tent, with three stretchers lined up, a blanket and pillow on top of each. There's a couple of boxes in the right corner, taken from the aircraft.

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