"Good game."

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The doctor finally discharges you from bed rest and you skip happily out of the office, Bucky waiting for you as usual.

"Well?" He grabs your hand anxiously and gives it a small kiss.
"I'm all good, Sarge!" You hold on to his muscular arm.
Bucky eyes you down with a raised eyebrow. "Really?"
You nod down excitedly. "Yes, I'm cleared to go back to normal life."
"You're a terrible liar but I'll just ask Stark later." Bucky leads you to the kitchen so you can eat lunch.

"Y/N!" Peter Parker runs excitedly to you, his soft brown hair bouncing up.
"Hey, Spidey!" You give him a hug while he swings you from side to side. "I haven't seen you in forever."

You sit down with him, joining the rest of the team. The food really did improve since Tony got the new chef. You ate, grateful to be back with your friends.

"Will you train with me today?" You bat your eyes at Bucky, munching down on a piece of garlic bread.
"Absolutely not." He shakes his head vehemently, making you pout. "You just got discharged, you need to take it easy."

You cross your arms over your body. "I spent the last four days in bed and not in a fun way. If I don't do anything, I'm gonna explode."
Bucky glosses over your dirty joke, simply shaking his head.

In fact, he was ignoring a lot of your hints lately. He would be gentle and soft with you, but barely kissed you anymore. You just chalked it off to him being worried about you.

"You're no fun." You pout, getting a weak smile out of Bucky.
"I'll train with you, babe." Nat shouts from across the table.
"That's why you're my favourite Russian ex-assassin spy." You wink your eye at her making her chuckle. "No offence, Barnes." You turned back to tease him.
Bucky shrugs his shoulders. "None taken, I'm not Russian."

You slouch down into the chair, frustrated. The soldier's mood had drastically changed in less than an hour. Honestly, you can't keep up. He kept switching back and forth between distant and loving.

Everyone finishes their lunch and you leave to go change clothes so you can go train with Natasha.
Bucky leans against the door frame as he watches you.

"Are you seriously just going to stand there?" You rest your hand on your hips, wearing just your white sports bra and skin-tight red shorts.

Bucky crosses his arms, his muscles tensing up under his long sleeve shirt. "Am I bothering you?"
"Not at all, I wish you'd bother me more." You smirk at him, closing the distance between you. "Please, bother me."

You press your hands on his chest, standing on your tippy toes to kiss him. Bucky lowers his head to give you a smooch on the lips.

"That's it? Seriously?" You take a step back from him, annoyed.
"You're still recovering." Bucky shrugs, cupping your face. "Don't look at me like that."

You jerk away from him, going to grab your shirt. "Honestly, Bucky, your mood swings are giving me whiplash."

The soldier sighs, furrowing his brows. "I don't know what you want from me."
You let out a dark chuckle. "Some consistency would be nice."
"Well, this is what you get when you're with me, doll. Take it or leave it." Bucky cocks his head, looking down at you. He uses your pet name with such irony, it breaks you a little bit.

You eye him up and down, trying to pierce through his emotionless blue eyes. But like the good soldier he is, he reveals nothing.

"Are you trying to pick a fight right now?"
"It always ends in a fight." Bucky states, looking down at his boots.

He really was impossible sometimes. You walk back to him, leaning against him, your hands running up his arms to his chest. He clenches his jaw at your touch.

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