Thanks and News

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That's two stories down! To all the re-readers from my previous account, I'm really sorry for taking so long to repost the chapters. School just loves to torture us with work, and it really affects my schedule to upload. So I would like to thank you all for being so understanding, and not pressuring me to upload more frequently.

For those of you reading this fanfic for the first time, hi and I hoped you enjoyed the adventure. If you are interested, please check out my other works as well.

I have a rather long bonus chapter of this story in my Snippets and Extras book, which covers how the emblem knights met.  (the Chapter title has the letters QE in the beginning)

Okay now for the news about the next book that I am reposting... People from my old account that happen to love smut, rejoice! For Olympian Syndrome is finally coming back to Wattpad!

For those of you who are new and happen to be okay with smut,  I hope this next story will interest you!

Well that all for now, see you on the next adventure!

-Le2zel ┏(^0^)┛┗(^0^) ┓

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