Chapter 18

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George peeked into Bad and Skeppy's tent, and smiled when he saw them cuddled up together. He tiptoed in, took their empty plates then left. He handed them over to Wilbur who was washing the rest with Tommy and Tubbo.

"The Warden was so strong, wasn't it?" Tommy excitedly said.

"Warden?" George asked.

"Tommy decided to call that monster from the cave a Warden for some reason." Tubbo replied.

"We need to get stronger Tubbo. So the next time we encounter one, we will be able to destroy it easily." Tommy stated with determination.

Tubbo excitedly nodded in agreement and George ruffled their hair before leaving.

"I like you..." A voice spoke up from behind the trees.

Curious as to what was going on, George decided to spy a little and saw Sapnap and Karl together. Sapnap was looking at Karl like he was expecting the latter to say something, while Karl was a blushing mess and had cupped his cheeks with his hands.

"It's okay if you don't feel the same way, I just wanted to get it off my chest." Sapnap said sadly when Karl stayed silent. "Nothing has to change between us..." He trailed off as he turned to leave, tears starting to form in his eyes.

Karl grabbed onto Sapnap's sleeve and forced him to turn around, before planting a kiss on the raven head's cheek. Sapnap stared at him in surprised, as he waited for the brunette to speak.

" you too," Karl whispered.

Overcome with happiness Sapnap nearly crushed him in a hug, "I'm not used to being intimate with anyone, so sorry if I don't show my affection in public." Karl confessed.

Sapnap smiled lovingly at him, "It's okay, I don't mind," his smile then turned into a teasing smirk, "we'll save that stuff for when we're alone." That last bit got Karl blushing even more as he started lightly pounding his fist on Sapnap's chest and calling him an idiot, which in turn made the latter laugh.

TMI, but I guess that's my fault for spying, George thought as he sneakily walked away.

George continued to go around the camp till he heard again whispering behind the trees. He decided to investigate and saw Fundy and Eret sitting down on a river bank.

"I don't know Fundy, Wilbur seems sincere with his efforts. Why not give the guy a chance, or at least let him explain what really happened." Eret said.

"There's nothing for him to explain, he abandoned me then went on to live a happy life." Fundy replied bitterly.

Eret let out a sigh, before they turned their heads in unison when they heard some movement in the bushes, and discovered Niki smiling at them.

"Fundy, can I speak to you for a moment?" Niki asked. Eret got up to leave, but gave Fundy's shoulder a comforting pat before he left.

"May I sit beside you?" Niki asked. Fundy nodded at the woman, and for a moment there was only awkward silence.

"Wilbur was mere skin and bones when I found him," Niki suddenly spoke up. Fundy's head snapped at her direction, with eyes blown wide.

"He was gravely injured too, he whispered something about finding a job before passing out. After I healed him up, it took a whole year before he finally put on some weight. He then joined a mercenary guild to earn money. Back then Kargo was filled with orphans, and he would teach them how to fight so that one day they could join a guild too. He told me a lot about your mom, how they were childhood sweethearts, and had you at a young age." Fundy turned back to the river as he felt his heart clench in his chest.

"Why are you telling me this?" Fundy asked.

"To tell you the truth I don't really know," Niki replied bluntly. "I guess I just wanted you to know that he's a good man, and I hope you will give him a chance to make up for lost time." Niki then stood up, "Don't stay up too long now, you need a rest properly for our long journey tomorrow." She then left, leaving Fundy to ponder on her words.

Well this night has surely been eventful, George thought as he walked away from camp, till he reached the edge of the forest, where the plains stretched out as far as the eye could see. He could see different kinds of flowers scattered all over, and decided to pick a few. George felt the breeze caress his cheeks and smiled. It felt like he was back at Mirth, and his mind wondered how his mother was doing.

"Thinking about home?" a voice spoke up from behind him.

Just when I thought that this night couldn't get anymore eventful, George thought.

"It's scary how you are able to read people's minds," George responded without turning, he knew exactly who was behind him.

Dream walked forward to join him, "I can't read minds, I've just learned how to observe people and guess their train of thought."

"Now that's even more creepy," George responded.

Dream let out a small wheeze, "Reading people was an asset in my previous occupation after all."

"I guess knowing your target is important for an assassin," George agreed.

Dream looked down at the bouquet of flowers in George's hands, "I thought you were colorblind."

"There's a spell for it," George replied calmly still not looking at Dream.

"Of course there is," Dream responded. "Never thought that you would spy on your friends like that though..."

George turned red, embarrassed that he had been caught, "I can't help it, you know that I get curious, and how did you even know? Wait, were you stalking me?"

Now it was Dream's turn to be embarrassed, well yes, but he couldn't say that. "No, I was merely observing."

George tried to stifle his laugh but it managed to escape his lips in a small chuckle.

"When this is all over I'll be all alone again," George suddenly said. He actually didn't mean to say that out loud, and tried to play it off by laughing when he saw Dream look at him confusion.

"Sap and Karl are gonna be with each other 24/7. I won't have anyone to mess around with anymore, but I am really happy for them." George said as he started heading back to camp.


"Let's head back," George said cutting Dream off, "we have to travel all the way back to Ragnor tomorrow."

Dream nodded and followed George back to camp.

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