Chapter 3

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"Come on Tommy, I know you can do better than that." Wilbur stated, looking down at the boy who laid exhausted at his feet.

"Would it kill you to take it easy on me." Tommy replied.

They have been in the guild for several months already, and the boys were slowly improving. It took them awhile to convince Wilbur to allow them to take on a few jobs, so they could earn money and send some back to the village.

"There have been more mobs popping up lately, and they are getting more aggressive. If you want to survive out there you need to train harder," Wilbur stated.

A few meters away stood Tubbo, who was trying to master a technique that allowed his lightning to strike in multiple areas in one go. He was unfortunately failing though...

"I'm sorry I can't be of much help Tubbo," Niki said from behind him. "My light magic and your anima magic have very different techniques."

"It's okay Niki, I'll figure it out somehow," Tubbo said with a smile, hoping it would stop her from feel guilty.

There were three types of magic, light magic that was very effective on mobs and had the ability to heal. Dark magic that could create soldiers to fight, and lastly was anima which is the magic of the elements. There were only a few anima mages in the guild, and they only used wind or fire, so Tubbo had to come up with spells by himself.

Tubbo and Niki turned their attention back to Wilbur and Tommy, when the heard the latter groan in pain.

"Okay I think that's enough for today, " Niki said walking up to the pair. Wilbur agreed and left Niki to take care of Tommy's injuries.

Tommy let out a sigh, "Thanks Niki,"

"No problem," came the response, "now let's all get ready for dinner," she said motioning toward the door of the guild, the two boys smiled and followed her in.


"Young master? Your mother is asking for you." A voice spoke up from outside George's tent.

George let out a sigh as he walked out, "You know Sapnap, you don't have to call me that."

His friend merely smiled at him and shrugged.

"Aren't you coming?" George asked when he noticed that Sapnap wasn't following him.

"Your mother only called for you George." Sapnap replied.

"Okay, I guess you don't want to see a certain brunette boy who happens to be guarding my mum's tent," George stated smugly as he started walking away. He smirked when he heard footsteps hurriedly approaching him from behind.

"Are you sure that he's there?" Sapnap asked.

"He is my mum's personal guard, where else would he be?"

Unlike the other kingdoms, the kingdom of Mirth wasn't even a kingdom at all. The land was a vast plain that had the occasional jungles and forest, and was inhabited mostly by their nomadic tribe, that was ruled by George's mother. The only reason that it was called a kingdom, was probably because it sounded more decent than the plains of Mirth.

George turned his attention back to Sapnap, and smiled when he saw his friend nervously trying to fix his raven black hair. "You look fine," he said.

Sapnap blushed in embarrassment, but quickly tried to hide it as they neared the tent.

"Good evening Karl," George greeted the smiling guard.

"Good evening to you too, young master." Karl replied, "And to you Sapnap."

Sapnap smiled and returned the greeting before Karl slightly opened the tent, "Lady Myra, your son is here." he announced.

"Send him in," came the reply. George quickly thanked Karl, then sent Sapnap a wink before leaving the two alone and entering his mother's tent.

George smiled at the beautiful woman in front of him, she certainly didn't look her age. Her hair was still a vibrant color, and not a single wrinkle or blemish was present on her porcelain skin. His eyes then focused on the hawk that was perched on his mother's arm.

He saw her hand the hawk a note before letting it fly right out of the tent. The woman then turned to smile at him, and motioned for him to take a seat. On the small table between them were some tea and cakes.

"What did the other kingdoms want?" He asked.

"It was a reminder for the annual meeting. This year Ragnor is hosting a festival in Kargo to help ease the public. With the mobs continually getting more aggressive, and rumors of war with the Lynix empire, the people have become quite nervous.

George looked down, the Lynix Empire came from a far away continent in the east. But lately the Empire has been on a war path, and now they seemed to have their eyes on Kiris.

"I'm travelling to Ragnor tomorrow and I want you, Sapnap, and Karl to join me." She stated.

"But what about the tribe?" George asked.

"They can look after themselves for a few days. Besides, there is something important that I must tell the others in person," his mother said in a serious tone, before shifting back to her playful demeanor, "so I need you to make sure that I get there safely."

George let out a scoff, she may not seem like it but Myra was one of the most powerful sages in Kiris. This trip was probably just an excuse for them to spend time with each other. Not that he minded, he was happy to spend time with his mother, and he was sure that Sapnap would be excited to spend more time with Karl as well. He just hoped that he would not see him while they were there.  

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