CHILDE. marriages ii.

888 19 5

author's note. thank you for 4k! please read the further comments on the end! thank you! it took a while to update, but thank you for being patient with me.

additions. changed my divisions quite. "." for change povs since I usually do a third person or second person.

"You're late," his voice is somehow frigid, piercing azure eyes gazing at you. With the drenched hair, reaching to this workplace wet is controversial of you— overseeing him to the conclusion that you arose late and hurried up.

Your (e/c) eyes slightly tremble horizontally and your mouth parted, attempting to explain how are you late. "Yes, Childe, I'm—"

"We're currently during our work hours, (y/n)," Childe infringed you, addressing you curtly. You felt your knees commenced to quiver, heart-throbbing firmly. You've never seen Childe like this before, and it felt strange— unfamiliar.

He's right. He has the right to be mad at you. Although you two are friends, things are still different throughout work hours.

Nevertheless, you couldn't help but ask; did you do something wrong?

Childe departed the tavern without knowing, and you indicated from Scaramouche's aspect that everything is not alright. He didn't tell you like he ordinarily does. Thoughts occupied your mind, assuring yourself that not every time, Childe will be telling you everything he's with or does. Yet, you can't help but be anxious.

Hesitations traversed your mind when you're outside his room, querying if you should confront him. However, there's also someone whispering inside you, that you're overthinking. And you followed it.

But why does it appears wrong? You're mayhap not overthinking, in fact, you likely did something without awareness.

You sealed your mouth, not fretting to respond. Eyes gaping at the wooden ground, bearing the silence ambiance of the room— yet you could hear his sharp exhales, frustrated. An uncomfortable lump was swallowed, awaits the right moment to retort.

"Apologies," you answered, preventing your tone from sounding upset. "Here's your schedule." The heels of your shoes trailed on the wooden floor, strolling towards him with the printed files wrapped between your fingers.

You slightly bowed before taking your leave— without a single word from you.


"Truth be told, I think you scared her." Scaramouche infiltrated the office (not to mention— he didn't knock), glimpsing at your way before making himself welcome in his room.

Childe stood silent. He doesn't know if he's mad because of your tardiness, or perhaps, twofold thinking about what Scaramouche mumbled. Conceivably, both?

He doesn't know how to act. Childe snoozed overthinking and drowned with his thoughts. He foresaw everything will be okay tomorrow morning, yet you're late instead— leaving him bad impressions.

After all, you've been hanging out with Thoma the whole night, and he left home without knowing. This concluded him that you went home late, completely forgotten that you'll be having works to do for two days before resting.

"Are you still jealous?" Scaramouche speculated, making himself home by sitting at the nearest couch— crossing his arms and sloped them on his chest with a sneer on his face.

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