Xing Ye used Redrawing Pen ten times last night, using up 500 points and leaving him with 6700 remaining. The mirror prop had no fighting strength and could be overlooked. He had the especially rare Peaceful Spirit's Tune and memorized six QR codes in his head. They were the piano, the three Guan Ling gave Di Kuang, and the two Cao Qian had.

Of them, five of the QR codes' abilities must be tested in order to be incorporated into their tactics.

After memorizing the QR codes, Xing Ye used redrawing pen five times to test the new QR codes.

The three QR codes Guan Ling found were Single Use Copier, Omnipotent Pen, and Skip Class Freely. Cao Qian's were Hippity Hop Ping Pong Ball and Teaching Plan. All the QR codes were related to school, but had very frightening abilities.

When Xing Ye tested them with Redrawing Pen, he speculated the five QR codes' real abilities.

Single Use Copier was a prop type QR code that allowed the user to copy a QR code the opponent had previously used in the fight. It could only be used once. When Xing Ye drew the QR code, Xing Ye could sense its ability and knew his Redrawing Pen could not replicate this kind of ability. It was an extremely special QR code.

Omnipotent Pen was also a prop type QR code. It was a pen that could imitate any target's handwriting. There was no time limit on its use, but there was a max number of around 100 characters one could write with it. It was useless in fights, but could be very useful in figuring out quests. Redrawing Pen's copy lowered the character cap to 50.

Skip Class Freely was an ability type QR code that when activated, would give the player ten minutes to escape. In that period, time in the outside world wouldn't move. In other words, time would be frozen for ten minutes. However, since this skill represented skipping class, it meant the players would not be able to do anything productive in this timeframe. As such, the player would not be able to use any starting skills, QR codes, rare abilities or props.

Hippity Hop Ping Pong Ball was a prop type QR code that would unleash tens of thousands of ping pong balls to obstruct the opponent's vision and movements. Based on your luck value, there would also be a chance of it hitting your opponent's cellphone, leaving them unable to use QR codes. The duration was ten minutes, and with Redrawing Pen, it was reduced to five minutes.

Teaching Plan was a very powerful prop type QR code. It let you see the opponent's moves ten seconds in advance, but could only be used once. With Redrawing Pen, the duration was reduced to five seconds.

Xing Ye warned Cao Qian countless times to not use the Teaching Plan unless it was a critical juncture. It was simply too valuable and should be saved for a vital moment.

This type of QR code was meaningless with Redrawing Pen. Xing Ye had to desperately flounder for 30 seconds to draw a QR code and could only predict five seconds with it. It simply wasn't worth it.

"All in all, we are at a disadvantage. Redrawing Pen is a strong ability, but takes too long to use. You don't have any powerful attack type or delaying QR codes either." Xing Ye frowned, "Fortunately, they won't turn hostile until the last moment."

Nobody knew what would happen. At that time, they might even need their help. If Di Kuang wanted to act, he would only do so after guaranteeing his own victory, then kill them for the 2000 points.

Oh, Di Kuang's group still didn't know how Xing Ye and Cao Qian had already amassed a large number of points. They still thought Xing Ye only had 100 points and Cao Qian had 450.

"Therefore, although we're at a disadvantage, it's not as serious as it seems on the surface. If I were Di Kuang, I wouldn't attack until I was sure I could deal a fatal blow. After all, using several hundred points and special QR codes for 100 points would be a loss in anyone's eyes."

"Then how about when they give the human head to Liu Muqing, we lead them to the second floor and let them face off against the brain eating demonic Bai Xu while we go down to the first floor to protect Aunty Zhang?"

"Can we do that?" Xing Ye pondered, "We'll decide based on the situation. The most important thing is how Liu Muqing will react and if she'll be clear-headed or muddled. We should do our utmost to prevent her from touching the human head. I'm afraid that if she takes the human head in her muddled state, she'll go crazy."

"What if she's clear headed?" Cao Qian asked.

"Huh?" Xing Ye was slightly startled, "You reminded me, when Liu Muqing was under Peaceful Spirit's Tune, she knew that it wasn't the human head she wanted... let's think about it."

Before the fight, Xing Ye also tested out Impression Eye, which let him instantly memorize half of the things he saw. He was pleasantly surprised with the results.

If he used Impression Eye and Redrawing Pen together, he didn't need to draw half of the QR code because it was memorized by Impression Eye and didn't need to be drawn.

It cut down the time needed to draw a QR code down to 15 seconds. Although it consumed 50 points, it was very useful. So far, Xing Ye's consumed 300 points and had 6400 remaining. However, this was worth the investment.

The sky was already dark by the time he and Cao Qian finished simulating what might happen and developed countermeasures.

At 11 PM, a boy hugging a human head ran crazily around campus. He kept asking softly, "Sister, where are you? Sister, where are you? I have to give your head back."

Xing Ye and Di Kuang met in front of the boys' dormitory at the previously agreed upon time. The two exchanged a glance, showing smiles of tacit understanding.

Tonight, they would become enemies!

The two both secretly thought.

Zhang Feiming was easy to find. He ran around the campus blindly and soon ran into Xing Ye and the others. However, he could no longer recognize Xing Ye. All he could think about was finding Liu Muqing's spirit.

"I'll give the human head to Liu Muqing, just give it to me." Di Kuang stopped Zhang Feiming before suddenly growing four arms. Three of them grabbed Zhang Feiming while the last one went to snatch the human head.

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