He rarely dreamed and even when he did, he wouldn't remember the details. But the scenes in his dream just seemed to reappear, every slight action vivid in his mind.  

In the dream, Xing Shuo's left hand was toying with his drawstring. Back then, Xing Ye was in a rush and hadn't noticed until now the dream just now.

Since he was small, whenever there was something Xing Shuo wanted to talk to him about but didn't dare to, he would always toy with his drawstring like that.

At that time, Xing Shuo obviously didn't just want to say goodbye. He had something to tell me, but since I was in a rush, he hesitated and decided to not mention it. Xing Ye secretly pondered, carefully recalling every scene in his mind.

He was wearing a dark grey sweater and black casual pants. His left hand was playing with his drawstring while he held his phone with his right. The phone screen was lit, and on it was...

A QR code!

Xing Ye thought back to that scene. At that time, Xing Shuo had a picture of a QR code on his screen and seemed like he wanted to talk to him about something.

He immediately picked up the briefcase that he had just randomly thrown into a corner earlier and took out the notebook he usually used for important work matters before fishing out a pen from his pocket. He slowly started to sketch out the QR code in his memory.

Xing Ye had a simple foundation in drawing. The notebook was in a grid layout so he just had to sketch in the black parts according to scale to form a QR code.

Since he was small, Xing Ye's always had an amazing memory and he had even taken a memorization class in university. Even if his memory couldn't be called photographic, it was pretty close.

After carefully filling in the last square, Xing Ye closed his eyes and compared the QR code he had just drawn to the one in his memory. After confirming they were the same, he took out his phone and scanned the QR code.

With a 'ding!', a black and white page he had never seen before loaded on his phone. A dialogue box appeared on the screen: Player Xing Shuo has invited you to join the Game of Challenging Fate. Do you accept? Yes/No

Xing Shuo was still playing games in the critical period of getting his master's thesis approved? Impossible. Furthermore, there was no way he would talk with him about a game.

This "Game of Challenging Fate" can't just be a simple game. There should be something deeper. But if he didn't enter the tiger's cave, how would he be able to get its cub? Xing Ye didn't hesitate, directly clicking 'Yes'.

The instant his finger touched the screen, Xing Ye watched in shock as his arm turned varying shades of black and white. It no longer looked 3D and almost felt empty, as if he had turned into a flat drawing.

Immediately after, Xing Ye's whole body was sucked into the space, becoming part of the 2d plane. After a bout of dizziness, he found that he had moved from the funeral hall into a strange, black and white space.

There didn't seem to be an end to this black and white space yet there also only seemed to be around ten square meters of space he could move. The space, made of interweaving black and white cubes, was painful to the eye. It appeared to stretch out indefinitely, with no end in sight.

However, Xing Ye's range of motion was limited in the space. He tried walking out, but was repelled by an invisible boundary.

"Welcome to the QR Code world, 3D intelligent life form, Xing Ye." A black and white rubix cube flew out from who knows where and floated in the space. Although it didn't have a mouth, Xing Ye could hear it speak. It's voice sounded just like Xing Shuo's as it rang in the space.

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