Chapter 12

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As the days passed everyone slowly started to settle their feeling toward Newt's return. Sonya stopped crying and hugging him as often. Brenda and Fry stopped glancing at him sympathetically and Minho started to insult him mercifully.

Newt sat with Harriet and Sonya listening tentatively and they talked about everything from what they did in the scorch to how they French-braided Jackie's hair that morning. Keisha, Jackie, and Dante seemed to have gotten used to this new life, while Sonya and Harriet had basically adopted Jackie, always did her hair and played games with her. Dante got to play with kids his age, and Keisha finally got the life she wanted for herself and her family.

Sonya had really come out of her shell when she talked with her brother and girlfriend. Newt watched as she tucked a strand of hair behind her ear her eyes fixed on her girlfriend a look that could only be described as love. Harriet and Soyna were so perfect together it made Newt ache for Thomas though this confused him. Thomas was his best friend and for as long as he had known him it had been that way. But the feelings the energy that he had felt between them had long since run dry even if he would admit to himself that Thomas meant something more to him, more than a best friend's way, it only made the pain worse digging into his chest like a knife blade knowing that these feelings would never be returned. All Newt could see was the pure hatred and sadness on Thomas's face, the way he flinched when he had spoken to him made his heart break.

He didn't notice he was crying until he saw a splash of water hit his knee, as soon as the tears started, they didn't seem to stop, Harriet and Sonya looked up concern etched across their faces. Sonya grabbed his hand and squeezed it gently, they had both grown accustomed to random crying that haunted the camp as a collective feeling of sorrow. Newt would never tell them exactly what caused his outbursts, but they had discussed in private that the most likely explanation was his recent fight with Thomas. Sonya had realized early on that Newt was not someone who enjoyed talking about what was bothering him and instead just liked the reassuring touches that could remind him that he was not alone.

Newt sniffled and Sonya slowly started to rub circles on his palm while Harriet handed him tissues. When his tears finally subsided, he kissed Sonya's cheek and stammered out an apology when Sonya stopped him.

"You don't have to apologize Newt we love you and will always love you and I will personally vow myself and Harriet to stand by you through everything. I will always love every single little thing about you and am prepared to help you through everything and not just because you're my brother but because you deserve to be happy and live a life that treats you the way you treat others because damn you are so shucking nice that it makes me feel like a villain."

Newt gave her a watery smile and wiped his nose on his sleeve. Harriet leaned over to Sonya and whispered something in her ear that made her face go red before she allowed her girlfriend to pull her into a passionate kiss. He didn't want to know what Harriet had whispered to his little sister and put it in mind that he still hadn't given Harriet the "Big brother talk" about if she hurts her, he will kill her and all that other overly protective big brother duties.

As the sun started to decent into the hills, Newt bid Harriet and Sonya goodnight not feeling in the mood for the campfire that night and instead walked toward two tents that belonged to Keisha and Dante along with Jackie in a separate one next to them. When he opened the tent, he saw Keisha sitting on the floor calmly rocking the drowsy Dante to sleep. At now four years old he was getting big for Keisha's arms, but he still fell asleep that way every night. Newt walked over to her and quietly took a seat next to her waiting for Dante to join with his dreams of the night and leave this shucked up world behind. When he finally fell asleep Keisha placed him on his bed and Newt kissed his forehead and pulled the blankets up to his chin not wanting the cold winter air to pull him to reality. Keisha pulls Newt into a side embrace and Newt lays his head on her shoulder, neither of them speaks they often sit like this simply sharing the warmth and contentment that the other one brings. Keisha breaks the silence with a soft whisper only detectable because of the silence around them.

"Your sister stopped by today, she's worried about you Newt."

Newt nods but does not respond immediately.

"I just need time to sort out some stuff and I don't want to worry her."

Keisha turns to face him, her eyes now fully alert.

"We all only want to help you, but we can only do that if you tell us what's wrong."

Newt's eyes fill with tears for the second time that day,

"T-tommy he... I just-... I don't know!" He chokes out.

He feels Keisha slowly wipe his tears away and wrap a blanket around his shoulders, when she starts to sing its quiet and slowly calming his nerves and making his eyelids feel heavy. The last thing he remembers is Keisha's voice and the warm blanket around his neck with a soft kiss on his forehead before he falls into a quiet sleep.



I hope you enjoyed this chapter and thank you for reading!!!!!!

Have a good day/night


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