Chapter 10

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Newt knew he had shucked up; he knew that he should have talked to Thomas sooner and hadn't left him to figure it out in this way. To be completely honest he had been scared to face Tommy with his ruffled brown hair and bright blue eyes. He remembered Minho's stony expression, his face void of emotion, no matter how much he had thought of that moment with Tommy he didn't even imagine how much it hurt to see the boy's face filled with pain, with betrayal, hurt so strong that Newt winced, and all those emotions were aimed at him. The words breaking of pieces of Newt's heart as painful as a spear.

After Thomas had left, he had sat on the ground until his feet started to tingle and the ground was littered with discarded tears. No one had moved, not to comfort Newt or to go after the former runner, they seemed not to know what to do or say to him, for what seemed like forever.

What could he have done differently, he should have made some other sacrifice, given his life in the scorch? Or maybe grabbing his father's gun shooting the W.C.K.D solders saving his mother and sister. Or the simpler option, staying away, not hurting his friends with his presence, disappearing, letting them move on without him.

I mean how important was he really?

He just caused more damage around him.


Part of his heart seemed to have disappeared and the others were broken.

Broken and gone.


He stirred from his place on the ground when he felt a warm soft hand touch his shoulder, he turned his head to find a Lizz-Sonya bending down next to him pushing hair out of her eyes which were filled with sympathy.

It took only seconds to decide what to do with this gesture, he slowly turned his body sideways wincing at the slight prickles of pain coming from his legs and wrapped his arms around her neck and push his face into his sister's shoulder breathing in and having his nose fill with the smell of lavender and the slightest scent of maple syrup, most likely from the morning's breakfast. She made small shushing sounds sometimes used to calm a crying monster (child).

When they broke apart, Newt stared at her trying to memorize every little thing about his younger sister, her eyes brown like his, her hair, and even the small things like the small scar on her chin, and the few freckles she had dotted on her nose. So, many years he could have spent with her, so many memories that had been robbed from them. Birthdays, Holidays, and so much more that had been cruelly replaced by tests, curfews, and solitude. Newt had the sudden urge to throw something, W.C.K.D had taken many irreplaceable things from him, Alby, Chuck, his parents, and even his chance of a half normal life, and now his chances of having a relationship with his only sibling, feeling like they were just strangers who shared the same blood. He realized he didn't even know her favorite color.

He decided then and now that no matter what was going on with Tommy or anyone else, he was going to move past it and try to make up for the lost years with Sonya.

He sighed and cleared his throat,

"I-I'm sorry Liz-Sonya, I missed you."

She gave him a watery smile,

"You can call me Lizzy if you'd like, I'm not just some W.C.K.D subject anymore and I missed you too. Tho- people have been telling me about you and I'm ready to start over with you."

He smiled at her, and she smiled back, her eyes creasing at the corners like his.

"Oh, and by the way," She said letting out a small giggle "Sorry for whacking you in the head with my gun in the scorch, oh and Ya' know threating you and taking your maybe friend maybe more hostage. But your face during that whole exchange you looked like you were a cross between constipated and in awe of your fabulous sister's awesomeness! "

She flexed her arms and soon they were both on the ground laughing at stories the other one told.

"Remember the time we made pudding for Mum on Mother's Day, and you put salt in the pudding instead of sugar!"

Lizzy's pale face turned pink, but she was still giggling uncontrollably. She made a mock offended face,

"Well at least I wasn't convinced that dragons existed until I was like 10!!" She retorted.

Soon, their friends started to make their way over, Harriet wrapping her arm around Lizzy, and Dante sitting on Newt's lap as Jackie told them her version of Keisha and Newt rescuing her which may or may not have included Newt ridding on a unicorn and Keisha taking out an army of W.C.K.D soldiers single-handedly, with Keisha occasionally adding her own comments mostly about Newt's face during the who fiasco (spoiler alert! Most of them weren't very flattering but Minho seemed to enjoy them a lot starting to warm up to her.)

The mood was light, but Newt still felt a small ache of pain. The one thing he thought would make this moment perfect was Thomas sitting next to him. 


Author Note: YAY!! I finished this chapter. 

I hope you enjoyed and if I made any mistakes please tell me so I can fix them.

Question: What's your favorite book trope?

Have a great rest of your Day/Night!!!!!!

Broken and Gone ( A Newtmas Fanfic)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin