Chapter 6

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Thomas walked through the camp asking if anyone had seen his friend all morning, which at first was fine by him, he didn't have to hear any snarky comments about his hair all morning, but even so by mid-morning he was getting worried. Gally suggested that he asked Aris, he said he had seen them last night together. And as he headed there, he bumped into Harriet and Sonya hand in hand heading toward lunch.

"Hey, have you guys seen Min"

They both shook their heads,

"No, not all morning, sorry T" Sonya apologized.

Thomas smiled at her half-heartedly and Sonya gave him a small hug and then they walked past toward the campfire.

Thomas sighed and continued his way to Aris's tent. His tent was about a five-minute walk from the campfire since it was in the outer circle of tents on-top of a small hill near the clusters of rubble they had moved from the area. The area seemed just right for his quiet introverted friend. As he hiked up the hill, he wondered why Minho would be here, him and Aris had never been super close in his opinion, Thomas couldn't even really recall a time where they had had a sit-down conversation.

When he reached his tent, he called Aris's name but when no one answered he walked in.

"Hey Aris, I was wonder-, Oh!"

Inside sat Aris and Minho their lips touching softly. Thomas felt his face heat up and started to back away. When Aris saw him, he scrambled away from Minho his face a deep red.

"Oh... um... Hi, Thomas." Minho stuttered out his face mirroring Aris's.

An awkward silence passed between the three of them, with Thomas silently cursing himself for having such bad timing he had obviously walked into something private, or Minho would have mentioned something about it to him. Aris looked mortified and was shielding his face in his hands to try to hide his embarrassment, and Minho kept looking away glancing at Aris and then at Thomas like he thought he was going to explode.

Thomas finally cleared his throat attempting to break the silence.

"Well... um... I'll just go."

He turned to leave but Minho grabbed his arm,

"Can I talk to you later," He asked, "After the bonfire?"

Thomas nodded and Minho let go of his arm, as he walked out of the tent and started down the slope, he pondered what he would say to Minho later that day. What should he say, what do you say to someone who you just found out had a secret relationship? I support your choice...- No, Maybe I understand why you didn't tell me- what the shuck, that sounded like a load of klunk, to be honest he felt a little hurt that Minho hadn't told him, he wanted to believe that he would have, but he was having trouble convincing himself of this.


After dinner that night Minho leads Thomas toward his tent to talk in private. When they walked in Minho sat on his sleeping mat and managed a light smile patting the space next to him inviting Thomas but when his friend did not move staying at the tent entrance his face fell and he stopped patting the spot, a strange glee filled Thomas seeing Minho crestfallen look in his eyes at his hurt and anger – "He should be sad" Thomas thought bitterly.

"Look Thomas" Minho said, "I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner, but I didn't know how you would react, and it was all happening so fast, and I wasn't ready to think of the possibilities of losing my only best friend now, and you mean so much to me and after Ne-" He cleared his throat "After he died you were- you are the only person I have left, and even though the trio was forced to become a duo please, please don't let it become a solo act for me, I- I can't handle that"

Min I- I just feel hurt that you didn't tell me, I mean back in the scorch and even a little bit in the maze it always felt like it was just me, you, and Newtie Ya 'know, and I guess it just kinda hurt to feel like were growing apart especially after what happened a few months ago."

Thomas could see Minho slowly start to look up at him.

"And you need to know Min that I will never judge you on anything except for maybe your hair routine and you can tell me anything- ok most anything actually I don't really want to know what goes on in your brain"

Minho smirked at this, and Thomas smiled,

"Anyway, you shank" Thomas said, "I haven't heard your annoying yet endearing comments for over 12 hours, so tell me about your not-so-secret- anymore relationship with Mr. Jones."

Minho rolled his eyes,

"You're calling me a shank when you, your dumb shuck walked into Aris's tent without knocking!"

Thomas let out an aspirated sigh,

"There's no shucking doors on tents Minho!"


Author Note: How was that chapter? Please comment with your thoughts or grammar corrections.

Thank you @A5Glader for the idea to include Minaris, I think it really gave the story a chance to include side-character development and also gave Thomas a chance to be shown as a supportive friend

Today question: Would you rather be in stuck in the Maze or the Scorch for one night alone?

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