
Her head debated for a couple seconds before she slowly shook her head. As much as she wanted to run, she couldn't. This was her job, and she needed to do it. No matter how traumatic it is, she has to complete it.

"I'm staying." She assured him. Coulson nodded slowly and turned back to the burning buildings.

"Alright.. you take right and I'll take left alright? Meet back here after everyone is safe." He ordered. May nodded and with that, they both parted.

May sprinted down into the double doors of the building. Bodies were splayed beside her where people had jumped. People were pouring out of the doorways which made it harder for her to push through.

"What the hell are you doing?!" One guy shouted at her.

"You're gonna die!" Another.

"Everyone up there is dead anyways! Run!"

May pushed through, ignoring their comments and entered a lobby. Dust clouded her vision and filled her lungs. Causing her to cough. She quickly pulled up her leather jacket over her nose and held it there as she made her way towards the stairs.

Groans echoed from up the stairs as well as shouts for helps and calls of terror.

"Hello?! Anyone?!" May called up through another cough.

"HELP! PLEASE! MY FRIEND!" Someone called from about two staircases up. May looked up the staircase as she began to jog.

"I'm coming! Hang on!" May called. She quickly fisted the railing with every step as she hurried up them. Rocks were piled near corners of the building. The uninjured helped unfortunate victims down the stairs.

"Help! Please!" The woman called again. This time May was only a couple stairs away.

"I'm here! I'm here!" She called as she walked onto the smooth platform. It took her a moment for her eyes to adjust to the dust before she could make out two women sitting near the side of the stairs. One was on her knees, attempting lifting up a rock. Her legs shook from under her, but she had no luck lifting it. A woman sat beside her, sobbing from pain. Her leg was pinned under the big rock.

May hurried over towards them quickly. She bent down and dug her fingers under the rock so she could get a grip.

"Lift on three okay?!" She called over the screams. The girl nodded urgently.



"Three." She heaved as she used the strength in her legs to haul up the huge rock. The girl grunted as she helped flip the rock to the side.

The girl groaned with a shaky breath. As she slowly hauled herself up.

"Oh my god Macy.!" The woman murmured urgently as she bent down to help her friend up. May sighed as she watched from nearby.

"Are you both okay?" She questioned. Macy slowly nodded with a soft grin.

"Thank you so much." She sighed in relief. May nodded as she led them to the stairwell.

"Don't thank me. Just get to safety." She ordered.

The girls didn't need to be told twice. They both slowly but quickly ascended down the stairs.

May didn't hesitate to begin running up the stairs.

She helped a few other people who were stuck free themselves. As well as a few couples with their kids.

May kept preserving up the stairs. No matter how many times her brain told her she was gonna die she kept going.

She had gotten to the thirteenth floor, and had just helped a couple out from under a pile of rubble. Not even halfway up the stairs was another woman.

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