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“THAT'S ALL HE gave me. Though, for sure there are more of it.”

“He just accepted the offer of alliance from the mayor? Assuring him to be the vice mayor. The Mayor itself is powerful, huh?” Anica said and pushed her cheek with her tongue.

“Pero sigurado akong may kasabwat pa sila. Their party was able to lead the whole Baguio, including the Governor.”

“Why is the governor getting involved?” biglang sabat ni Narxixius.

“You guys haven't even proven if the Vice Mayor itself is guilty. Wala sa sinabi ni Dolion kung naging parte ba sila sa nasabing sunog!”  Narxixius said in a stern tone. Kumunot ang noo ni Anica sa mga narinig galing dito.

“Of course they are involved, N! Isa pa, bakit kaba ganyan? You're making fuss about it.”

“Uhmm guys don't fight. I'll ask for more details about it. Actually, I'm planning to meet the vice mayor since I've offered him something in exchange of information.”

DOLION STILL HAVEN'T figured out why he can't use his power on the Vice Mayor but luckily he was able to offer him something big that won't cost him to lost too much. He went to the vice mayor s office again — but this time, with Anica.

“Do you really need her companion, Mr. Eisenhower?” the vice mayor firmly asked as he looked at Anica. Anica was wearing her long brown wig and puts a black contact lense. She was wearing a black women suit that hugs her beautiful body.

“Yes, I need my secretary everytime.”

“She should not cause any harm.”

“She won't!” Dolion guaranteed.

“Vice Mayor, I have the title of the land. But—” Dolion sighed and looked at him with a smile, “I still wanna ask questions. And, I want a proper answer.”

“No problem. If I'll have the land of Casa Grande of Eisenhower's, I'll be much more powerful than the governor. As if our conversation here will get leaked?” the vice mayor's rebut as he looked at Anica.

“Hmm nothing will get leaked. So, shall we?” Dolion said and placed the envelope in front of the vice mayor with a shitty smile. Anica stayed standing at the back of Dolion.

“About the fire incident strike in Kampana Orphanage at 2008. Particularly, that day was the day after Governor Hendri Valenzuela was announced to be the mayor of Baguio. Is there any connections with that?”

Dolion's straight question was unpredictable and was very wary for the politician.

“Hmm...” The vice mayor fixed his hair and seems to be thinking, “Before I answer that, I just wanna ask why does that old incident peeks your interest?”

“Kaibigan ko ang isa sa mga biktima ng sunog.” deretsong sagot naman ni Dolion na syang dahilan para kumunot ang noo ni Anica. Hindi nya alam ang tungkol doon kung kaya't nagtaka sya sa sinagot nito.

“Okay! Hindi ko talaga masasagot ang tanong mo pero para sa akin ay oo. I maybe part of the party list of the governor but I have no part in their alliance with the Mayor and the other officials. They just granted me the position. Though, you must know that the governor took part in the orphanage and I was with him all throughout. And, I know he have been wanting to be a Governor but that only came true when he had alliance with Mayor Josef Strauss. They've been implementing plans together without me.”

“Bago ang deklarasyon ng panalo, napag-usapan nila ang tungkol sa relokasyon daw ng bahay amponan, iyon lang alam ko.” The vice mayor added. Dolion looked at Anica in his peripheral view.

Anica sighed in seldom.  Dolion aimed for her hand clandestinely and holds it.

“Thank you for that Vice Mayor. And, I guess that's all. Here's the paper, you can sign it now.” Dolion hissed and Anica's brows furrowed. She tightened her grip on Dolion's hands signalling him not to do it.

Dolion gave her an assuring smile.

ANICA WAS BITING her lips in frustration and worries. She can't accept that Dolion was able to give such a huge amount to that money slut. Plus, knowing that everything was vaguely clarified made her more angry.

“Why are you frowning like that? Para kang batang inagawan ng lollipop d'yan ah.” Pansin ni Dolion at nagnakaw ng tingin sa kanya. He was busy driving.

“Bakit ganoon kadali sayong ibigay yung titolo ng lupa mo? Ang laki ng nawala sayo, eh! Paano yan ha? Ang dami-daming mga taong nangangailangan ng mga iyon pero binigay mo lang sa walang kwentang politikong iyon?”

Dolion pulled over and parked the car near the sidewalk. He turned to Anica and smiled.

“Why can you be this adorable even when you're mad? It's unfair!” Dolion hissed as he coped Anica's face. Anica pout in frustration.

“Shake of your reveries for now. I am thinking of a safer solution for you, okay?” Dolion reassured her. Binitawan nya ang mukha nito at naghandang paandarin ulit ang kanyang kotse.

“I'll never let you suffer alone.”

Anica looked at him and didn't know what to say. She just stared at him for couples of seconds, then, Dolion smiled at her.

“You don't need to say anything, Nica. I understand you're still shock about my sudden confession last night.”

Anica nodded multiple times and Dolion continued to drive. They were silent all throughout the ride. And, Anica's silent is making Dolion worry. When they arrived infront of their hideout, Dolion went out first to open the door for her.

“Thank you!”

They walked towards the door but Anica suddenly stopped and turned to face Dolion. Dolion's eyes encircled in shock why she suddenly turn to face him.


“But why?” she suddenly asked making Dolion groan.

“What do you mean?” he asked.

“Why do you like me?”

“I don't know?” he vaguely answer. Pinanlisikan ng mata ni Anica ito at humugot ng malalim na hininga si Dolion.

“I don't know why I like you,” he sighed and shook his head. Then, he looked straight to her eyes, “But the first time I layed my eyes on you, I know I am in trouble.”

Dolion took a few steps closer to Anica and held her wrist then, pulled her closer. As soon as the gap between them was nothing, Dolion held her face and attempted to kiss her.

•|| fairyf8tales ||•

Lords Series #2: Deceitful Warm (COMPLETED)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora