Chapter 5. Drop Her

Start from the beginning

"Really?" I scoffed. "Do you think if I were any of those things, Abigail would have left?"

"I think you let go of an amazing girl. I also think you're going to find your way back to her when you're ready. Maybe you pushed her away because you're scared. What you have been through has confused you and changed you. But don't you think for a second that you have to change for us. We'll love you no matter how you are. We see you're a good guy, and that's all that matters to us."

"I fucked up, didn't I?" I whispered.

"Everyone falls down. It's not about how hard you fall. It's about how hard you work to pull yourself back up. Don't confuse the two. If she loves you, she'll forgive you."

"I apologized."

"Yeah? Did you mean it?" Ace challenged. He raised one eyebrow and tilted his head. Even if I didn't want to admit it, I knew he was right. I didn't mean it when I apologized.

I sighed and shook my head.

"And you didn't think she wouldn't pick up on that? If there is one thing a woman can pick up on, it's a fake apology, trust me."

I stared at him for a long moment before I got up and headed for the foyer. I stumbled slightly, and my eyes were hazy from the alcohol that I consumed. Abigail danced around in my mind. I need her. Car keys jingled in my hand.

Ace swiped the keys from me, and I stumbled forward and laughed at my clumsiness. Ace kept the keys out of my reach and shook his head.

"Give me those. I want to see her," I slurred. I reached for the keys again and stumbled into Ace.

"Boy, not tonight. You're smashed, and you're not going anywhere. She's clear over in Florida. Someone will go with you just in case, and you can take a jet to get there faster," Ace said.

I thought about it. "But I want to see her now."

"Call her, but you're not leaving."

"What on earth are you two doing?" Aria walked into the foyer.

"Road trip," I said and smirked.

"Not tonight," Ace said sternly.

Aria took in my state and chuckled. "Trying to go see Abigail?"

"How'd you guess?" I arched a brow and swayed.

Aria looked over at Ace and smiled. Her gaze flickered back to mine. "Just a lucky guess," she said.

"Well, if I can take a plane, I don't have to be sober for that, right?" I asked and smirked.

"Andrew, you should wait until you're sober. People sometimes make choices that they wouldn't make if they weren't drunk," Aria said.

"But if I sober up, I'm not going to have the balls to do it," I said and chuckled. "Or I might remember the reason that I sent her away in the first place."

"Jesus, Ace, what did you tell him?" Aria narrowed her eyes at Ace.

"Don't blame me for this shit, bebita. I just told him the truth," Ace muttered.

Aria chuckled. "So, who is taking him? Angel has too many meetings tomorrow."

Ace sighed. "I guess I am."

"I'll call Austin," Aria said.

"I can do it," Ace argued.

"And you can take your brother with you just in case," Aria said sternly.

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