Chapter 1. How Could I Not?

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The impatience had me thinking of ways to get out of the hospital. I would leave to find them if I had to. I didn't care that I was weak.

"Go, bug," Abigail's voice echoed in the small room.

My head snapped up in the direction of the voice. My eyes locked with Stormy's. Her beautiful little brown eyes that were identical to her mother's eyes captivated mine. Relief washed over me, and my body relaxed. Stormy looked to be in perfect health.

"Hey, baby girl," I said and smiled at Stormy. My eyes flickered to Abigail's. Her relief appeared to be as potent as mine. Tears rolled down Abigail's cheeks. "You didn't think you would get rid of me that easy, did you?" I teased.

Stormy dashed across the room to me. She jumped onto the chair beside my bed and climbed on top of me. Stormy wrapped her little arms around me and hugged me. Her little face rested on my chest, the same place her mother usually rested her head when we fell asleep at night. My lips pressed to the top of Stormy's head, and I rubbed her little back gently with my hand.

"Do you feel better, Hayden?" Stormy asked.

"Yeah, bug, of course. How could I not? You're here."

Stormy looked at me with tear-filled eyes. "I'm sorry."

"Shh, don't apologize. You didn't do anything wrong. We messed up. We should have been watching you more carefully."

"I wasn't supposed to be in the road. I thought I could pedal fast to get across." A little pucker formed between her brown eyebrows. "It's my fault you're hurt."

"No, Stormy. It doesn't matter. All that matters is that you're okay."

"And you are okay."

"I'm going to be fine."

"Do you promise?"

"I pinky promise." I stuck my pinky finger out to her. There was one thing Stormy knew for sure—I never broke a pinky promise.

She smiled and tightened her pinky around mine.

Funny, I don't think she knows just how tightly wrapped I am around her little fingers. When my eyes locked with Abigail's, I somehow knew that Abigail knew how tightly wound I was around Stormy's fingers. Abigail knew it before I did.

"I love you," I told her.

Abigail sniffled and lowered her face to mine. She pressed her lips lightly to mine as if afraid to hurt me. "I love you," she mumbled against my lips.

"Lay by me," I said and pulled on her arm.

"Are you kidding? You are wired head to toe. I don't want to get tangled in something or hurt you." Abigail stared at me as if I were crazy.

I pulled her down onto the bed beside me, and she had no choice but to curl into my side. Stormy stayed on my chest with her eyes closed.

We were silent for a long time. Neither of us knew what to say. Stormy's breathing became shallow and slow as she drifted off to sleep. Her little cheek rested against my bare chest. Abigail kept her face on my chest, too, across from Stormy. I kept one arm tightly secured around both of them.

"Are you sleeping?" I murmured.

Abigail raised her head a fraction and her eyes locked with mine. "I can't."

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