08. Glimpse of the Past

Start from the beginning

"Goodnight." I smiled and kissed the top of her head. Laying on my back with my arm around her as she nuzzled into my chest. I fell asleep soon after.

Bella's P.O.V.

I woke up the next morning in George's bed. I didn't remember a thing from last night. George was still asleep beside me. I quietly slid out of bed to check the time. 9 a.m. Atleast my parents left for work already so I can get in. I slid on my shoes and made my way to the door.

"Wait" I looked to see George standing behind me reaching to shut the door. "My aren't a might be home still." He said walking around me and out the door.

I sat on the bed waiting for him to come back. He walked in a few moments later with two bowls of cereal.

"They're gone" he grinned handing me a bowl and sitting beside me.

"You knew they weren't here, didn't you?" I said taking a bite from my cereal.

"I can't just let ye run off after what 'appened yesterday." He said with a mouth full.

"I suppose"

"Now are ye gonna tell me or do I need to ask John?" He raised an eyebrow.

"My parents think you're not good for me." I sighed.

"Why?" He asked setting the bowl down.

"Back in New York we lived in an apartment. A lot of guys dressed like you do and always caused trouble around the building. That's all." I lied. I couldn't tell him the the truth. Not yet.

"Why didn't ye tell me sooner?" He questioned. He seemed relieved at my explanation.

"I didn't know how." I paused. "Don't get to happy. They still think you're no good." I laughed a bit.

"Every bird loves a bad boy though." He grinned.

His eyes flickering between my eyes and my mouth as he slowly leaned in. His lips meeting mine gently. As the kiss deepened, it became more rough. Our lips moved in sync as George moved his hands to cup my cheeks and I moved mine into his hair.

The door creaked open but we were too busy to notice until someone shouted.

"Slow down kids! We don't need babies anytime soon!" The familiar voice screamed.

We pulled away and turned to see John in the doorway. Of course. He's my best friend but he comes at the worst times sometimes.

"No one answered the door so I figured ye'd be here, Bella. I see you're keep George here lots of company." He patted George's shoulder and winked.

"Very funny, Lennon." I rolled my eyes.

"What are ye doing 'ere anyways, John?" George asked pushing his hand off of his shoulder.

"Ye know that bar the Jacaranda that opened last year? The owner is thinking of letting us play there."


"Within the next couple of months." He said shooting a grin seeming proud. "Don't forget we're not playing tonight" he said pointing to George and walking out the door.

I looked at the clock. It was now 10:30.

"I need to get home before my mom comes home. She gets off early today." I said looking to George.

"I'll walk ye."

I nodded in response and we made our way to the front door.

"Wait right here" George said before taking off back to his room. He appeared moments later with his hacket I was wearing last night.

"Keep it. Looks better on ye anyway." He said kissing my cheek.

The walk to my house was silent not the uncomfortable kind but the peaceful kind where you're just enjoying each other's company.

We arrived at my house and I gave George a quick kiss and went inside. I changed into a pair of pajamas.

An hour later my mother came from work. I was sitting on the couch when she came in. I turned to look at her waiting for the scolding to begin.

"So you actually made it home?" She crossed her arms still standing by the door.

"Why yes I did mother. I missed you too much to stay away." I said in a sweet, sarcastic tone.

"Do you have any idea how worried we were?!" She began to scream. "After what happened in New Yo-" I cut her off.

"Please don't mention what happened in New York again." I replied sternly.

"You must need a reminder if you're going to be hanging around boys just like him!"

"George is a sweetheart! He would never hurt me!" I stormed off to my room not wanting to hear anymore before laying down and falling asleep.


Authors Note: Don't forget to comment and vote! ❤️

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