Chapter 8: Answer?

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Mandy came over at nine the next morning. The kids were in the kitchen,eating breakfast, while Sophie was quietly crying in her room.

"Goodmorning, beauties. Where's Sophie?" Mandy said, hyper as always.

"I thinkshe's in her room," Amber said.

"Ok." She said as she kissed the girls' on thehead and skipped to Sophie's room."Hey Soph. Good morning." Mandy sang with a big smile on her face.

"What's so good about it?" Sophie asked.

"Oh come-on, Soph, cheerup."

"Why should I? I have to get rid of my nieces. Not to mention thehorrible man I have to marry."

"Hey! I know. What if I tell you some goodnews." Mandy said, still smiling her big smile.

"Like what, Mandy?" "On thecar ride home last night, I thought long and hard about it, and I've decidedthat I'm going to take in Amber, Emily, and Madison."

"Really?" She lookedup at Mandy, hopeful.

"Yes. I mean, they're amazing girls who deserve abetter life than with some strangers. Besides, I love them like you love hotcocoa." Sophie chuckled.

"Yeah, I do love my hot cocoa, don't I?" Sophiesaid.

Mandy started laughing. "Yeah, you do."

"You are the best friend ever."Soph said as they hugged.

"In the eight months, why don't we all have fun?"

"I think your right. Hey! Amber's birthday's comin up, we should dosomething special."

"You're right. Which is why I got five tickets to Disney.For me, you, Amber, and her sisters, but they're for one day between the 16-20th."

"Ok. We'll go on the 20th, what's today?"

"The 12th."

"Ok, let me getup and we can eat breakfast and go to... um..."

"How about we go bowling?It's just down the street."

"Ok. Bowling it is. Go get the girls ready."

When they reached the bowling center, Mandy went to buy drinks, snacks,and shoes. Sophie and the girls found a table and went to sit. They ate andbowled and had an amazing time, then they went to the park and had morefun. They eventually went home and the kids went to bed.When Sophie and Mandy were sure the kids were asleep, they talked moreabout Harvey. Then they talked about their trip to Disney. Mandy spent thenight and her and Sophie stayed up until midnight watching movies inSophies room. The next day, Mandy and Sophie told the kids about their plans to go toDisney.

"That sounds like fun!" Amber said excitedly.

Sophie and Mandywere glad they could give the kids enjoyment before they had to leave.Sophie put a calendar on the fridge, which she counted down until they wentto Disney. She had to go to work that day, so Mandy took the kids back tothe park and swimming. Sophie didn't get off until 11, so Mandy spent thenight again.That day they went to Pizza Plaza, a pizza place not to far from Sophie'sstreet, with an arcade, it was about the size of half of a Wal-Mart. When theygot there, Sophie bought the girls tokens. While the girls went to play,Sophie and Mandy sat down.

"Mandy, I have a surprise.. but you have topromise not to tell the girls. Let me tell them." Sophie said with a smile.

"Oh, did Harvey change his mind.. is the wedding off?!" Mandy said with ahopeful smile.

"No, sadly." Sophie was starting to tear up. Mandy's hopefulsmile turned into a smile to cheer someone up.

"Hey now! Remember, bestrong for your nieces. Anyways, what's the surprise?" Mandy asked, nearlyat the edge of her seat like a little girl.

"Ok, i bought a three day Disneypackage." Sophie said with a smile on her face.

"But i already told you, Ibought tickets."

"Yeah, you bought us one ticket each, but my package getsus three days at Disney plus, five nights at the hotel."

"Oh. That's cool! Sowe're going to Disney for five days?"

"No. My package is for three days atDisney, and your's is for one, three plus one is four, so four days at Disneyand then the fifth day can be for us just to relax, go shopping, or whatever."

"Omg! That's so cool!"

"I know right!"

"But wait.. how can you afford this?"

"They gave me a bonus since I worked fourteen extra hours this week. Plus,some of the families of my patients actually gave me tips and I used some ofmy savings."

"Oh. That's cool. I guess you having me watch the kids extrawas worth it, huh?" Mandy teased.

"Yeah, but like I said, don't mention thisto Amber or her sisters, I want to tell them." After their pizza got to the table,they called the girls over, they all ate, played a couple of hours more, andwent back home.The rest of the days, before their trip, went by pretty fast. They went to themovies, the skating rink, the bowling alley, the park, and to see some ofMandy and Sophie's friends

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