Chapter 5: Mad Cops

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"Ashlyn, what the heck is wrong with you? Your daughter could have died."Mrs. Dera asked.

"And you, Joey, you're supposed to be a responsiblefather!" Mr. Dera shouted.

"I'm sorry, I thought Amber had just dropped herbaby doll." Mrs. Corlow said.

"Well did you ever think it could besomething else? You two aren't even suppose to be drinking or smokingaround kids in an enclosed area, let alone throw a party!" Mrs. Dera wasvery annoyed with them at this point. Officer G reappeared.

"Mrs. Corlow,were you and your husband throwing a party when this happened?" OfficerG asked, staring at Mrs. Corlow.

"Well, we.... um... no, Mrs. Dera was justtalking about a tea party we were having with the kids."

"Oh please," Mrs.Dera said, "you two barely had enough money to buy Amber a baby doll, letalone tea."

"Mrs. Corlow? Is this true?" Officer G asked.

"No, of course not.I bought Amber a baby doll, the twins a crib, and I buy food."

"Officer, mayI say something?" Mrs. Dera asked.

"Of course."

"Officer, Ashlyn and Joeybarely have any money; I cook for Amber and her sisters, food that me andmy husband buy. Ashlyn and Joey work from 7 in the morning to 7 at nightdoing God knows what, so Amber is left to care for her sisters for 12 hours aday. Amber comes to our house for help. They even forgot Amber's birthday,today!" Mrs. Dera said, angrily.

"Ok. Mrs. Corlow," Officer G said, nowlooking at Mrs. Corlow, "who pays for your house and bills?"

"We do,officer. Me and my husband," Mrs. Corlow said, nervously.

"Mrs. Dera, doyou have anything else to say?" Officer G said.

"Yes. I do."

"You mayproceed."

"Thank you, officer. Ashlyn is lying. She doesn't pay for her kids,me and Mr. Dera do, or try to. We paid for Emily and Madisons' crib andwe've bought all of them a couple of toys so they can play and have fun. Ashlyn did buy Amber a baby doll for her 2nd birthday, but the twins didn'tget anything when they were born. I make Amber and her sisters cake andcookies for all their other birthdays. Mr. and Mrs. Corlow spend all theirmoney on drugs. They can't even put Amber in school because they claim tonever have enough time or money."

"Mrs. Corlow, is any of what Mrs. Deratelling me true?"

"No, of course it's not true..... Joey please tell them." Shewas now clung onto her husband, crying.

Just then, Officer G's phone rang.He answered his phone and put it on speaker, so the Corlows could hear.

"Officer G, Officer Truse here, we are at the Corlows' house, we have foundseveral opened prescribed medications, open cigarette containers, food andtrash everywhere, and open cases of beer on the floor." said Officer Truse,another officer of the case.

"How about in the rooms?" Officer G asked.

"There are only 2 bedrooms, sir. The kids' room is small and dark with onecrib, a baby doll, a chair and a little wooden table. There's some toys and clothes in the closet. And the master bedroomis big with a lot of open beer bottles, more cigarette containers, more drugs,prescribed to them as well as other people, the king size bed, the dresser, anda TV."

"10-4. Be sure to search all the dressers, drawers, anywhere you canget to. Make sure you get all of it out of that house." said officer G, then hehung up.

"Mrs. Corlow, officer Truse is one of our most trusted cops. Is whathe tells me true? Do you have drugs located throughout your house?"

"Well,yes, officer. But, me and my husband only take drugs when we need to."

"Mrs. Dera," the twins said, "do you have $2 dollars?"

"What do you twoneed $2 dollars for?" Mrs. Dera asked with a smile.

"We're hungry, mommydidn't feed us yet."

"Of course, sweethearts. Let me walk over there withyou." While Mrs. Dera walked to the vending machines with Madison andEmily, Officer G handcuffed a sobbing Mr. and Mrs. Corlow.

Three days later, Amber was allowed to leave the hospital. Officer G cameback to the hospital, greeted her, and, while Mr. and Mrs. Dera was fillingout the paperwork, told her that her and her sisters would have to stay withMr. and Mrs. Dera for a little while. Amber was confused but agreed and thegirls left with their neighbors.Amber didn't know what had happened while she was in the hospital,but Mr. Dera said he would have to go to the police station and give herparents a mouthful.

"Why are we taking Mr. Dera to the police station?Where's mommy and daddy?" Amber had so many questions.

"Sweetheart,do you know why you and your sisters have to stay with me and Mr. Dera?"Mrs. Dera asked.

"Is it because mommy and daddy want us to have asleepover?" Amber asked, smiling.

"No, sweetie. I'll explain everything when we get to my house."

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