Chapter 3: Amber Wakes Up

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An hour later, the police were investigating what had happened.

"So, what exactly happened?" asked officer G.

"I don't know, officer. Me and my husband were at home and before we knew it, Madison was at our house,banging on our front door, telling us that Amber had passed out and when we got to her house, she was passed out in her sisters' bedroom on the floor."Mrs. Dera sobbed.

"Who is this Ms. Madison?"

"Her little sister, sir"

"May I speak with her?"

"Of course, right this way," Mrs. Dera said as she got up and walked over to Madison, "Maddy, sweetie, Officer G wants to talk to you, ok? I'll be right over there if you need anything."

"Hi there. I'm officer G. May I talk to you?"

"Ok." Madison said, scared, her eyes red from crying.

"No need to be scared, Madison. You did the right thing and you should feel very proud of yourself," he said, as he gave her a little hug and sat next to her.

While officer G was talking with Madison, Amber awakened.Officer G, Mr. Dera, Mrs. Dera, Emily and Madison dashed in the room;their parents weren't at the hospital yet.

"Amber? Sweetie, can you hear us?"Mrs. Dera asked sitting by her bed.

"Amby? Sissy?" Madison and Emily asked. No response.

"Amber? Amber, sweetheart, answer me, please." Mrs. Dera was pleading.

"Amby! Please!" Her sisters were pleading.

"Huh?"Amber slowly fluttered her eyes open.

"Oh thank goodness. You're in the hospital,sweetheart." Mrs. Dera said.

"Why? Wh-What happened??" Amber started crying.

"I'm not sure baby girl. Maddy, do you know what happened?"

"No,all I 'member is mommy and daddy were throwing a party and sissy shut the door." Madison replied.

"Oh. Is that right? So, mommy and daddy were throwing a party?" Mrs. Dera asked.

"Yes. Mommy and daddy started calling their friends, then Mr. S came over and they started talking loud and smoking." Madison explained.

"Wait, so these girls have been living in that house for 6 years?" Officer G asked, listening to their conversation.

"Well,most of their lives, yes, but they spend the night with us when they can and they come over a lot during the day when their parents are at work." Mrs.Dera said and Mr. Dera nodded in agreement.

"Alright." Emily and Madison could see that Officer G was writing something in his book, but they couldn't figure out what it was. Mr. and Mrs. Dera must of knew because they looked worried.

"Can you two girls come with me please?" Officer G asked Emily and Madison. "Mr. and Mrs. Dera?" Officer G asked.


"Will you also come back with them?"

"Of course, officer. Amber, I want you to get some rest. You're safe now. If you need anything, press that little red button there on the side of your bed." Mrs. Dera assured her and she kissed Amber's cheek. Mr. Dera did the same.

"Ok. Goodnight. Love you." Amber said,struggling to breathe.

"Love you too, sweetie." Mrs. Dera said. They all left her room to talk more about what had happened.

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