Chapter 2: Amber's (Not so happy) Birthday

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It was Amber's sixth birthday and everyone but her parents were excited.Amber's birthday landed on a Saturday; fortunately, Amber's parents were off work. Amber thought they'd go celebrate, but sadly, they forgot... again.The Deras, however, did not forget her birthday. So, Amber decided to go to the neighbor's house to celebrate. They baked Amber cookies and made her a special birthday cake. After she had cookies, milk, and cake, she went back home. Her parents were in their bedroom while her sisters were in the living room,crying. Amber ran over to her sisters, picked both of them up, calmed them down, and knocked on her parents' bedroom door. When her mom opened the door, Amber said that her sisters were in the living room crying.

After awhile, Amber's mom said, "Where have you been?"

Amber said that she went next door to have cookies and cake at the Deras' house. She then asked,"Mommy, what did you get me for my birthday?"

"It's your birthday?" her mom asked, confused about something.

"Yes. I'm turning 6," Amber assured her.

"Oh well, happy birthday, now go to your sisters' room or go to the neighbors', I don't care, but take your sisters with you and take care of them and, Amber, don't bother us, we're having a party that we have to get prepared for."

"Ok." Amber had no problem taking care of her sisters since she had been for their whole lives.Amber decided to go to her sisters' room. She decided to play with her little baby doll her mom bought. She heard her parents go into the living room and call up their friends and told them that there was going to be a party and they didn't have to bring their own 'stuff'. Amber decided it wasn't safe for her to be in her house, but her parents told her and her sisters they had to stay in the room. After a little while, she heard the doorbell; it was Mr.Sarajo, her parents "party" buddy. Mr. Sarajo came in and started smoking. Amber immediately took caution and shut her door so she (or her sisters)wouldn't smell the horrible fumes. She was heading back to play when, all of a sudden, she fell face first on the floor. "Am, are you ok?" The twins asked. "Amby?" They said again. They both ran into the living room to tell their parents, who thought they were just playing around. Madison ran next door to tell the Deras what had happened while Emily gave up on trying to tell their parents and called 9-1-1 from the parents room. "Mrs. Dera,"Madison panted, "Am.. Amby passed out on the floor of our bedroom."They bolted next door, they too thought the twins were playing, but they wanted make sure everything was ok. When they got there, they ran to the bedroom to find Amber laying on her stomach in the floor of the bedroom.Mr. Dera wasted no time, he quickly picked her up and brought her in the living room, where Mrs. Dera then preformed CPR. Amber's parents, finally,believed their girls and went over to the phone.

"Mommy, I already called 9-1-1," Emily said, as the ambulance, police, and fire department showed up.Mr. Dera ran outside with Amber in his arms and told them to take her to the hospital as soon as possible. They put her on the stretcher and took her to the hospital. The Deras' then took the twins and followed the ambulance. Amber was rushed to the emergency room, still unconscious...

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