Chapter 28: Craving

Start from the beginning

Then he heard the sound of footsteps and what looked like... a lock? Akaashi wasn't sure, but it didn't matter, because then he smelled him getting closer and closer. He turned around looking everywhere, but his mind was so fuzzy and overwhelmed by sensations that his eyes couldn't see.

"Akaashi?" a voice whispered in front of him.

Akaashi narrowed his eyes and tried to glimpse the figure, but couldn't. Still, he knew perfectly well who he was. The strong aroma of anise and coriander enveloped him like a blanket, his senses, already numb, were now blocked. There was only that fragance, there was only heat, fire and primary and elemental need.

"Bokuto-san... help me," Akaashi whispered.

The alpha took him by the arm and led him down a street; then he turned to the right, then he went straight, again to the right, to the left... Akaashi felt that they were going around in a circle. Was Bokuto that far away? He heard the lock, how could he be so far from home? How had he—?

Suddenly the scent of the alpha invaded him even more, choking him and making him feel weak and strong at the same time. The scent intensified to unsuspected levels as if he were inside Bokuto; all reasoning was defeated, he felt dizzy.

"What are you doing here?" Bokuto whispered.


"My house. We're in my house."

"How did you find me?" Akaashi panted, fixing his teal eyes on the golden ones. "How did you know I was here?"

"Pheromones. You covered Bessho with your scent, if someone else had found you, they could have—"

"But they haven't," Akaashi whispered. "You found me. I came to look for you and you found me, so help me, please..."


Bokuto took a deep breath, a poor decision like few others. The scent of apple and vanilla spiced with a hint of cinnamon penetrated his nose and had a much stronger effect on him than he expected. Akaashi's natural scent ignited his entire body like a flame, made him groan under his breath without realizing he had. His mind clouded, his breath hitched. The sweet smell mingled with the other scent —spicy and enveloping— that also exuded Akaashi's skin. The omega was in heat, that was clear. What was unclear, however, was Bokuto's mind.

Akaashi's eyes covered by a thick layer of mist were still fixed on his, the heat of the omega's skin burned the hand that was still resting on his arm, the flushed cheeks made him look sweet and adorable, ready to be devoured by Bokuto himself.


Akaashi was beside himself. He clunged to Bokuto's body, and Bokuto didn't stop him. He couldn't do it even if he wanted to, but —and that's where the problem was— he didn't really want to stop Akaashi from doing it. Akaashi rubbed against his thigh, his legs so weak he almost slid to the ground. Bokuto's knee between Akaashi's legs prevented it, but that only increased the friction and made Bokuto lose a bit more the calm that evaporated inside him at lightning speed.

"You smell so good..." Bokuto muttered in a voice hoarse with desire. He had to calm down, help Akaashi, but he himself was going crazy and even though he wasn't in heat, Akaashi's zeal was enough to make him fly above the clouds. "Hey, 'Kaashi, w-wait..." Akaashi whimpered and got closer to him to increase the friction. The omega's hands encircled his neck and Bokuto could feel the pads of Akaashi's fingers on the nape of his neck, burning him where they came into contact with his skin. Bokuto felt that he himself was going to be consumed by the flames. "Eh, 'Kaashi, wait... wait, you need to calm down..." Bokuto breathed out. He knew that his words lacked conviction.

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