XXXIII. the king of hell and the maiden of heaven

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A/N: i'm actually really afraid of publishing this, i don't know why but i feel like less people are interested in tragedies and ballads and shakespeare/tolkien-like poems (i'm a huge fan of tolkien's works btw). i just thought — if shakespeare can right a poem with 199 stanzas (venus and adonis) then why can't i publish this right? anyways i won't really blame you if you don't like or don't read this poem, and it's totally okay if you skip this! but if you do, i just wanna say thank you so much for your support :) <3




Aeons ago lived a maiden of glee
Abnus was her name, beautiful was she
Impish and devilish the girl can be
Unafraid to put poison in your tea

A library of banned books, Father had
Mother a myriad of unloved leaves
For that Abnus grew up talking to rooks
That sit by the windowsill each frail eve

One eve pebbles were hurled at her window
Handsome thieves and fine robbers, the throwers
She went downstairs and gave them a "hello"
Then they rob and steal from rich gold owners

An accident befell, she failed a heist
Her sour new friends acknowledged her not
Downcast she was for the friendship she priced
A way to rekindle the spark, she sought

One night Father brought home a shining key
Attracted her eyes, the shimmering did
Stolen it be she'd be thrown to the sea
But the key was a key for her problem

Father rested his weary hazel eyes
The key nestled on his bedside table
Abnus tiptoed, took the key with a prise
Paved her way out through the rusted gables

To Father's forbidden sanctum, she went
She tried and she tried, the key flickered not
The smart key could not crack any deadbolt
She noticed on its edge, runes with content

Deciphering runes, one of Father's strengths
She took a book half of a table's length
Hours and hours, she spent on the runes
The meaning of them she dared not impugn

She slowly recited the forbidden words
Encircling her were gloomy black swirls
At her final breath she closed her eyes
And there she was in a world with no skies

To Netherworld the key led the maiden
Where the chap-fallen devils roam with ease
Her foreign footsteps left them awakened
But the sight of Lord Kieran made them freeze

Kieran, the ethnarch of the Netherworld
Abnus, the only diamond in his realm
It was no surprise his stomach had whorled
For her seraphic beauty his heart whelmed

Days and days he spent giving Abnus stars
Even though she was her own galaxy
She liked the dark realm, but not its ruler
Hundred days he spent finding her new stars

Then came the day she accepted his star
Courting the young Lord Kieran, she began
Little did she know he had his own scars
And wanted to flee the godforsaken realm

One eve at the sea of those died for pride
Handsome Lord Kieran went down on one knee
Abnus was elated, happy, shocked, thrilled
She said "yes" before his words even spilled

Her satiny face he cupped in his hand
The world stopped spinning, time stopped revolving
He had never once felt a love this grand
But his getaway from hell mattered more

He left his love a burning Judas kiss
A kiss that will sting Abnus forever
He took the shining key in her pocket
Running away from the sear Netherworld

The sear Netherworld needed a ruler
Hurt, betrayed Abnus was its only choice
Chained to the gloomy Netherworld, she was
Forever 'til she could find a replacement

She who wears the crown must look like the crown
Half of her face was stripped of her beauty
Half her face was divine, another burnt and brown
A must for breathing earthlings meant to rule

A decayed zombie, her other half face
Eclipsed by a veil made of fine black lace
The fate of the dead for her to decide
Enjoying the throne, she wished to never die

Young Lord Kieran stepped foot on earth
His feet nourished with welcoming green grass
He looked at the golden rays, admiring it
Little did he know the grass turned to ash

Like Abnus, half his face was set ablaze
It seemed Earth appreciated not his ruling days
Half gorgeous, half an old rotting zombie
Looking like that, he'll forever be

Scared, the Midgardians burnt him to death
Funny it was, that after his last breath
He was to meet the queen that he betrayed

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