XXV. nothing but a fling

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We knew each other in a cloudless summer
Running from the tempest, I found shelter in you
You were there, sipping cider from a rummer
With no coffee left to brew

My hands were ice, you offered me your sweater
I stayed in your house too long
I looked outside, the weather was getting better
But I lied and told you the wind was still strong

Sat next to you, listening to 5SOS
While roses withered in the grey frost
We bonded like a tinder catching fire
But your plans for me were never dire

I woke up all alone, you left me in the cold
I spent my days crying, searching for your hold
I knew we'd never make it, why did I even try?
Now when I think of July all I remember is you and I

I was Isis but you weren't my Osiris
How were you not the least hurt by this?
Here I am, standing on the road, perplexed
Because you didn't even leave me a text

I still think of you sometimes
I wonder why I ignored the signs
Now I'm stranded in the cold again

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