
Start from the beginning

"Kris, why would he be cheating." London tilts her head.

"Why else would he be out like that?" Kristen says.

"Just because men have cheated on you DOESN'T mean all men cheat, don't put that in the universe. Plus, Christian loves you too much to do that. Don't worry girl." London smiles at Iris.

"Right." Iris smiles "he's just been so busy with his Dior enterprises thing, he's been going there everyday to make sure the building is secure, everything's in the right place. Along with his mafia business."

"Not to mention your about your be a god mother..." Kristen chuckled.

"Oh shit... I am..."

"Don't them mafia people call the Don's wife Mistress or like... queen."

"Sometimes." Iris says. "I like queen. It fits me." She nodded. She smirks.

𝐶ℎ𝑟𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑖𝑎𝑛 𝐷𝑖𝑜𝑟 𝐵𝑟𝑜𝑤𝑛

Christian took large strides into the dark mansion. He looks around seeing Julianna, and Greta clean dishes. Mace and Katy were there being all lovey dovey. Christian frowned.

"What is taking place in my home right now? Katy, Mace stop all that shit and save it for the bedroom." Christian points at them Both. He huffs sitting on the bar stool, the Two of them leave. Completely. Christian looks at Julianna "where's my wife?"

"Iris?" She tilts her head

"Nah, another girl... yes Iris.." Christian squints his eyes. Julianna sighs, Christian's eyebrow arched at that. "Is that attitude? What the fuck is up with everyone, why is everyone testing me today like I won't back hand them? Just because I stopped doing the shit I used to do does not mean, I'm completely gone." Christian pushes himself from the counter, he trudged up the stairs walking into the main bedroom.

Iris lays there on the bed, In just a bra and panties. Christian felt his body get kinda hot, Fuck. He thought. Iris scrolls through her phone, when she sits up Christian notices differences in Iris's body, differences that seemed off. Iris turned around, she jumped a bit seeing him stand there.

"Christian.. don't scare me."

"Oh, sorry." Christian takes off his shirt, and pants. He gets in the bed, Iris lays next to him. She traces his Tattoos with her fingers. She traces over the Wings on his chest thinking about things. "You okay?"

"Are you?"

"I asked you first." Christian nodded. He raised his hand up to his chest, taking her hand playing with her fingers slightly.

"I'm fine. Why do you smell like burning plastic?" Iris scrunched her face a little.

"Oh, I was working on construction with the builders. I didn't want them fucking anything up so, I said make me join in and help build or else I will kill you and ship your head to you mothers house as a Mother's Day gift." Christian wildly smiles.

"So, evil." Iris chuckled. 

Christian looks up the sky thinking about past stuff. "You remember when you wanted to know about the burns on my back?"

"Yeah.. and you explained that."

"Since we are getting married... I feel like I should come clean."

"There's more?" Iris raised her eyebrows.

"There's so, much that I can't even handle talking about. So, much trauma. So, much regret. I just want to tell you so you don't find out from other people."

"Okay.... Okay..." Iris gets comfortable in the bed looking at Christian. "Talk."

He sighs. He clears his throat ready to talk. This will be a conversation Dior would have never have thought he would be having with ANYONE. ANY. ONE.

𝑇𝑒𝑟𝑟𝑒𝑛𝑐𝑒 𝐾𝑒𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔.

Pacing around his desk, Terrence sits down in the chair. His feelings were all over the place. He was angry, Sad, Perplexed. He chuckled just looking at her. Biting his lip in anger.

He glared at the women. "You died. No... no you died."

"I'm sorry-"

"That's all you can say!? Is sorry... sorry!? Sorry you left me! Sorry, your grandmother, mother, daughter cried over you! I cried over you Emily! What in the absolutely FUCK.. is wrong with you? Hm? Where were you all this time?"

Emily's eyes got watery. "I... I.."

"Emily. I swear to god... TALK." Terrence did not know how to feel. Sad, relieved, happy, angry? He wanted to feel relieved because his wife wasn't dead after all. Sad because of Iris. Angry, because she was gone, she was alive all this time and nothing. No communication. Nothing. 

"I just want to see Iris." Emily plays with her fingers.


"You can't stop me from seeing my daughter, Terrence."

"You never bothered to even see her! For Christ sake we thought you were dead! ... I got the call about you drowning in the ocean.. you. Were. Dead. As far as I'm concerned this should all be an illusion." Terrence closed his eyes. He rubs his face. "You're not seeing her."


"No! You're not seeing Iris! At all. You need to leave... now. I'll give you money to leave.. how much you want huh? You played dead for 14 years might as well keep up the act..." Terrence walks over to his safe.

"I don't need your money..."

"You might as well take it, because Iris will freak out, she's gonna act the exact same way I'm acting... maybe even worse. Plus, she too busy to even deal with you right now." Terrence takes money out his safe €10,000. "10, Pounds... Take it and leave..." he holds it out to her..

A blast from the past, you might say.

Schools been kicking my ass, sorry I have t been updating.

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