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Ballqis and Molly, though they weren't sure they actually arrived at this juncture, crouched against a shelf full of books at the campus' main library, and tried to eavesdrop on a conversation held in a language that they don't understand.

But Molly was recording a video discreetly. Ballqis was noting all the movements carefully.

Nastia had locked herself in the Theses room without noticing their presence, and held a very serious phone conversation. Apart from 'comrade' and 'nyet', they understood nothing.

Her movement, however was super suspicious.

Her eyes were darting around, checking. Her steps circled near the window, scanning outside. She kept her left hand in her side pocket and the crouching duo could make out that she was holding something squarish, almost box-like thing inside that pocket.

She finished her phone conversation quickly and left the room.

"I got everything on video, but who could we show it to and get info from? I'm not sure if we could trust Andrei or Lev," Molly's elation was short-lived.

"Whatever that was... She's definitely on to something. I hope Aga and Iqball had good luck telling Mrs Jogh about her entering the lab using Aga's ID today," Ballqis replied.

"Let's go find them. Maybe they are still at the fish lab," Molly suggests.

They waited for a bit before leaving the room. In between, a couple of students came in searching for papers at the biblio listing.

Nastia was no longer in the library. The two girls ran all the way to the lab, only to bump into Mirna at the stairs at the lab building.

"I heard the lab got broken into. I have to go see Babyfish," she insisted without slowing down.

The girls made a beeline towards the lab.

Mrs Jogh was still at her workstation, talking to Aga and Iqball.

"This is serious accusation, should we proceed. This university and Gosu University in Russia have an over 30 year old relationship. This could be disastrous," Mrs Jogh was saying.

"I feel that I must tell you the truth of what I know, I didn't mean to accuse," Aga whined.

Ballqis cleared her throat, alerting Mrs Jogh of her presence.

"Ballqis, what brings you and your friends here?" Mrs Jogh asked. "Hi Mirna, long time no see," she added as she recognised the read head.

"Mrs Jogh, I need to tell you about that particular fish I told you once about. And this time you just have to believe me," Mirna quickly went on with her agenda.

Mrs Jogh's brows went up.

Mirna immediately approached the row of fish tanks.

T7 jumped a little at the sight of his friend.

Old friend!  He bleeped. Iqball and Ballqis smiled at each other.

"Yes, hi old friend. How are you? I heard you just became a father, congratulations," Mirna said cheerfully.

The fish swam around a couple of times.

"Mirna, we've been over this, the fish can't talk," Mrs Jogh said wistfully, not an ounce of annoyance in her voice, but a just a splash of pity.

Iqball and Ballqis nodded.

"He doesn't talk to everyone, Mrs Jogh," Ballqis interjected.

"And when he does, he talks telepathically," Iqball added.

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