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Their date at Shah's Pizzeria nearly did not happen.

First, it rained hard that Saturday morning, but when Ballqis mentioned that it might be fun to walk and queue in the rain, Iqball showed up at her apartment unit with a rain coat and a massive golf umbrella he borrowed from the warden.

They walked slowly as the rain tip-tapped on the umbrella.

As they passed the professors' quarters they ran into Mr Evans, who was trying to move some documents into his car. They ended up helping him and got a little wet from the process.

Just as they were about to enter Shah's, Aga called to ask Iqball if he wanted to go to the gym.

As he had gone earlier that morning, Iqball was able to decline but Aga was bored and wanted to go the campus movie hall.

"How about we catch the 3pm show with Molly and Ballqis?" Iqball suggested.

"Sure, if they are free. I'll check the movie hall schedule," Aga replied, but even from the tone of his voice, Iqball could hear that Aga was happy he mentioned the girls.

There wasn't any queue at Shah's and only three tables were occupied.

The hostess was happy to give them a seat facing the beach and even helped them choose a few things on the menu when the myriad of pizza options baffled the couple.

"This is even nicer than the Pineapple Mushroom Bomb," Iqball said.

"I think it was Boom, not Bomb," Ballqis laughed.

"Oh yeah. Ah, how could anyone remember anything when there are 40 pizza options to choose from," he sighed contentedly.

"I'll remember this one, Lemon Salmon. This is divine," Ballqis said, and placed a slice of the pizza variety onto Iqball's plate.

"Have you talk to your dad recently? Is he coming during Christmas break?" he asked, suddenly the thought of the next trip with the fish lab team cropped up into his brain.

Ballqis nodded.

"He can't come. Another project had started and he thinks it would only be completed by the end of first quarter next year," she said with a hint of disappointment.

So Iqball did not immediately celebrate.

"Too bad. Maybe he will come down right after he's done with that project," he said.

They ate more pizza as the rain poured outside.

"So you've thought about the next trip? Mr Evans is really excited about it. I think I am too. Please say you'll also extend the trip," he pleaded.

Ballqis thought about all the money she had saved throughout the semester. Would it be wise to splurge an amount into a holiday?

"I'm still thinking about it. Have you guys figured out how much we need to spare if we were to extend the trip?"

Iqball showed her a projected itinerary and budgeting the team had came out with after a recent discussion with Mr Evans.

The amount was quite a big chunk, but Ballqis has enough with a bit to spare.

She told Iqball as much.

"I could join the troupe, but I do need to be frugal for the rest of the semester," she agreed.

Iqball whooped in delight.

"Don't worry, I'll help you however I can," he promised.

"You already have," Ballqis said.

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