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A small transparent box in which T7 was trapped in remained submerged inside the double tank. The fish could swim a little inside it, but there was hardly any room.

The good news was, the acclimating box he had been imprisoned in since the last 15 minutes has had a visit from T6! The female had encircled the box with obvious interest.

All of Mrs Jogh's 16 young volunteers began to crowd the lab that Friday afternoon, along with several unfamiliar faces, to mark the start of the new phase.

Mrs Jogh had put on the sounds from the Beatles for their entertainment and mingled.

By the time the track All You Need Is Love was playing, Mrs Jogh ran towards the double tank. From the familiar row of Tank 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10; Ballqis, Iqball and Aga could simply stare at the eccentric professor's antics.

"This is it! This should be their wedding song!" she cried as she approached the double tank.

Not waiting for anyone else to arrive, Mrs Jogh lifted up the the acclimating box about 6 inches above the water level and dunked its content, namely T7 and a bit of water, into the double tank.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife!" her voice thundered happily as T7 dived into its new family home.

The two animals did not smooch as they had hoped. Instead, both remained at a different the corner, swimming cautiously.

Some of the volunteers sigh.

"You may kiss the bride?" Mrs Jogh nudged the duo.

She even drew hearts on the tank's surface with her green marker pen.

Greet her, Ballqis pushed.

Make a move, Iqball encouraged.

Yet T7 remained shy at the bottom right corner of the double tank.

After five minutes, most of the volunteers have stopped their observation. Even Aga was already checking messages on his phone.

Mrs Jogh eked out I Wanna Hold Your Hand softly as the track replaced the 'wedding song'. She even danced a little in front of the tank with her eyes closed.

The song was nearing its end when suddenly, T6 began to move. It swam gingerly towards the male that had just entered her home, and did a little twirl in front of the shy fish.

It's your turn! Iqball cheered.

Go! Ballqis shouted inside her head.

Are you sure? T7's nervously asked.

"Yes!" His two friends shouted, making everyone in the lab jumped.

With her hands still in the air Mrs Jogh opened her eyes and saw T7 began his slow approach towards the female. He then paused, with a few inches between them, and started to move again only after T6 closed the distance.

The two specimen began to swim together.

"Yes!" Mrs Jogh repeated Ballqis and Iqball's line.

"Wow Balls, you two were really persistent observers," Micah said clapping his hands.

"At least I know all the reports recorded on Tuesdays are super duper accurate. You two didn't even blink the whole time, did you," Mrs Jogh acknowledged.

The 'Balls' smiled at the professor.

"Remember, you all still need to record the feeding and behavioural pattern of Fish Number 6 and Fish Number 7 individually. Alright. Time for food!" Mrs Jogh announced with one hand in the air.

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