labor and delivery part 2

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{It has been exactly 6 hours since Scarlett and luz arrived at the hospital but luz still wasn't dilating a lot which left Scarlett worried to see her in so much pain but Scarlett tried everything to make her feel better but luz just didn't want anyone to touch her at all}

*Luz crying non stop*

Luz; ow ow ow ow *screams*

Scarlett; i can't stand seeing you like this bebe

Luz; please go get the nurse

Scarlett; ok

*10 minutes later*

Nurse; looks like your not progressing at all

Scarlett; what does that mean

Luz; ya what does it mean

Nurse; it means the baby is stuck a centimeter but your only 3 centimeters dilated

Luz; i want to get the epidural

Nurse; you can get it while your 5 centimeters dilated ok

Luz; mhm

Nurse; if she gets to five centimeters dilated please press the nurses button

Scarlett; i will

Nurse; thank you

Luz; *starts crying*

Scarlett; babe.....

Luz; no

Scarlett; I'm sorry

Luz; i just want this pain to go away already i can't do this anymore

Scarlett; but your doing so good babe

Luz; i just want to give up and please leave me alone until I get the epidural please

Scarlett; ok

Luz; thank you and I'm sorry

Scarlett; it's ok

Luz; you sure

Scarlett; I'm sure *blows a kiss*

*Luz blows a kiss back*

Luz; i love you😘

Scarlett; i love you too😘

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