not really happy for you

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Offensive language is in this chapter so if you don't like offensive language then read the next chapter and don't just comment why did you put offensive language without a warning sign STOP PRETENDING YOU DIDN'T SEE IT so now on to the story*

{Scarlett had enough of luz always being with her girlfriend so the only way she can get her attention again is to actually tell her how she really feels and it causes them to be in a really bad argument that ended their friendship much to Esther's dismay}

*last class of the day*

*while whispering*
Crystal; I'm so excited for tommorow

Luz; me too

Crystal; i can't wait to see that movie

Luz; yep

Scarlett; will you two stop that

Crystal; sorry

Luz; ya sorry

*10 minutes later*

Teacher; ok we have 20 minute break

*Crystal and luz start laughing hysterically*

Scarlett; ENOUGH

Luz; Scarlett what's wrong

Scarlett; i can't take it anymore

Luz; what

Scarlett; you two ok luz i know i said that I'll be happy for you if we ever start a relationship with anyone will be there for eachother but I'm just not happy for you

Luz; so you where pretending to be happy for me the whole time

Scarlett; yes and I'm sorry but i just had to get it out of me

Esther; she actually told me

Luz; you knew

Esther; yes and I'm sorry but i just didn't want you to get hurt again

Luz; so you lied to me i thought you where my friend Scarlett but your just fake

*luz walks out of the classroom running*

Esther; i should go talk to her

Scarlett; no i will


Scarlett; Luz wait

Luz; there is nothing to talk about

Scarlett; yes there is

Luz; no there isn't

Scarlett; yes


Scarlett; what

Luz; i said GET AWAY FROM ME

Scarlett; look I'm sorry I'll leave you alone

Luz; thank you

*Scarlett yanks luz's hand*

Luz; let go if me you idiot

*Scarlett widens her eyes*

Scarlett; what did you just call me

Luz; i called you an idiot

*Scarlett slaps luz*

Luz; owww


Luz; *while crying* i don't know who you are anymore

Scarlett; luz I'm so sorry

Luz; stay away from me are friendship is over *runs to her car*

*Esther is outside*

Esther; what happened

Scarlett; i don't want to talk about it

Esther; no tell me i don't like you but tell me

Scarlett; i slapped your sister cause she called me an idiot so where no longer friends

Esther; wow you know what I'll talk to her after school but are you hurt

Scarlett; nope

Esther; ok well go back inside the classroom

Scarlett; ok

*Scarlett walks inside the school*

Esther; she slapped my sister hmm
But I've got to make them friends again i have an idea

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