weird pregnancy cravings

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{Luz's pregnancy has been going great but her cravings not som much which makes Scarlett disgusted but hey it's the baby not luz omg}

Scarlett; here is your twinkie with mustard *gags*

Luz; stop gagging it's not me it's babygirl

Scarlett; i know

Luz; but you gag everytime i ask for something disgusting

Scarlett; well pregnant women crave things their bodies need but you hate mustard what have you've done to my wife babygirl

Luz; stop blaming our daughter it's not her fault

Scarlett; yes it is

Luz; no *starts crying*

Scarlett; babe I'm sorry ok i promise you I'll get you anything you want ok

Luz; ok

Scarlett; i love you

Luz; i love you too😘

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