love story part 1

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{This is the first part of Scarlett's love story the second part being luz's love story so now we begin}

Luz; so how was your first date with ari

Scarlett; it was magical ughh he really treats me like how i want to be treated

Luz; aww well if we were in a relationship as my sister predicted i would treat you the way i treat you know except not calling you an idiot from time to time

Scarlett; i told him everything that has happened in my life from start to finish and he definitely understands

Luz; see you found someone that finally understands you but as your certificated bestie Scarlett i know you and you know me it's like i have you wrapped around my little finger

Scarlett; well......i hate to break to you but

Luz; but what

Scarlett; I'd rather go to ari when I have a problem know

Luz; am i being replaced by your boyfriend i mean partner

Ari; hi babe

Scarlett; hi

Luz; hello ari

Ari; hi luz

Luz; umm Scarlett I'm gonna get going

Scarlett; what about the lgbtq+ store after school

Luz; i have other plans

Scarlett; oh ok bye see you in class

Luz; mhm

{Scarlett didn't know what will happen in the next few years of her relationship with ari but other than that they were happy with eachother but Scarlett soon may get heartbroken}

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