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Luz gomez;bisexual, has a crush on Scarlett, her older sister is esther, has a pink locker next to Scarlett, bubbly and cute is always happy never seen mad but can be sad most times mexican/American

Scarlett walsh; genderfluid, has a crush on luz, has 2 twins baby brothers, has a black locker next to luz, happy *sometimes* mad *most the times* American

Esther gomez; luz's homophobic sister, hates Scarlett because she think she influenced her baby sister to be bisexual but likes her most the time if Scarlett has a evil plan, secretly pansexaul

Gomez family; luz's family mom, dad, esther, baby brother, aunt, uncle, and her 12 cousins from her dad's side secretly they don't like luz being bisexual but they understand her choice

Walsh family; Scarlett's family, mom, dad, twins brother's, aunt, uncle, and her 5 cousins from her mom's side

LGBTQ plus STORE; Scarlett and luz's new fave store where Scarlett bought her first binder here and other things she doesn't need and they come here regularly

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