24. Dust

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Content warning: Threat of rape, discussion of human trafficking.

You were trapped, it seemed, in a small cavern. A cell etched into stone. The jagged stone bit into your palm as you tried to scale the wall for the tenth time since you awoke, just as you began to inch a foot up the wall the door behind you slid open, and two men walked in, shielding behind them.

Something was definitely wrong with you, you should have been able to sense them coming from a mile off. The surprise caught you off guard and you slid down the wall with a grunt, landing on the floor and falling backwards. 

You turned around quickly, keeping low-


You didn't say anything as they advanced, only mapped out the room once more and fixed your eyes on the door that was now sliding shut.

"Not so proud now, are we doll?" His simmering voice made your head throb- it burned with annoyance as he approached. Closer and closer.

You reached out your hand, wincing as you tried to hone in on the force- but nothing came.

"I wouldn't bother- we've been dosing you with ysalamir blood since before you walked in" You didn't need to look at him to know a smug smile was creeping over his sullen face.

Your curiosity couldn't help but be peaked- ysalamir?

Thank god for his need to boast, you couldn't bring yourself to ask what he was talking about.

"Lovely Roya was good enough to serve it up to you in that diner she took you too, it's a lovely little reptile that lives on moon 3227 in my system, your fault for eating peasant food I suppose-" He chuckled


When you slowly turned to look at him his face had dropped, moving through the motion of confusion and landing solidly at outrage. Disgust flooded you as he opened his mouth to speak again.

"Shhhhh" You vocalised once more, harshly this time.

"I-I" The man spluttered a redness darkening his sickly complexion.

"You've gloated enough, I'm bored, so please just be quiet" You sighed.

Ungan stood twitching before you, eyes scorching into yours. You had calmed since he first entered, knowing he wouldn't hurt you beyond repair because of your value. You could take what he was going to give.

Still fuming, Ungan motioned a slim pale hand to the guards, gesturing towards you.

You tensed as they neared, pushing back into the sharp rocked behind you. The pain grounded you as you glared at your captor.

How strange, that name had been reserved for Kylo but a few months ago.

The guards clutched onto both of your arms, stars you felt so useless without the force to support you. 

They dragged you forward, knees shredded under the loose stones beneath you, until you were knelt before him.

He had regained his composure, much to your annoyance, and now looked down at you with some sick satisfaction. 

He reached a hand down to stroke your face, pinching your chin harshly between his thumb and finger, "Such a pretty little thing, so much like your grandmother"

You seethed in silence, words lost as the shock of his earlier revelation hit you with full force once again.

 You knew what was coming before he reached for his belt buckle, your mouth dried as he laughed at your expression.

Ashes to Ashes  |  A Kylo Ren StoryWhere stories live. Discover now