Hazy Future Chapter 3

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**Check out my blog at http://lotsaluv.webs.com/ it has all the info on my story,when im going to upload and contests :)

OK i had the other version up before but this has been edited by my amazing editohttp://www.wattpad.com/user/--22CJ2-- Go check out her stuff shes an amazing writer :)

PLease comment on what you want me to change or if you like it. Your comments help me write my next chapter so the more I get the longer and better it is. Please vote as I am entering in the watty awards so voting would mean allot to me. 

Thank you so much and I should have another chapter out soon...


I sat down on my desk and looked up to see him looking at me confusingly.

"What?" I asked him. Jeez, he was creeping me out the way he was looking at me.

"Nothing." He turned and sat down in his chair. About two seconds later he turned back towards to me. "Why don't you want a partner so bad?" I knew that he was going to ask that. And still, even I didn't know how to answer.

"Long story," I told him turning back around in my chair, hoping he would get the hint and drop it. Either he was oblivious to the hint or he really wanted to know.

"I got time, we don't start until tomorrow. So, I have all night" He said with a smirk. "How about you tell me all about it over a drink."

I rolled my eyes at that. Did he really think I was that kind of girl? He gave off the impression he was a player but I didn't think it would start this early. Yeah, he was hot but I have a rule of not dating a guy that’s a cop, agent or any other person with a badge.

"I'll see you tomorrow. By the way, we start at 6. So, make sure your up." I told him as I was leaving.

"As long as you come and get me out of bed" He replied with a smirk.

"Ugh" Was my intelligent response. I quickly left the building and drove home.

It was about 9 o’clock out and it being fall made it pretty dark out. Making my way to my house and taking the key from under the plant, I know; not very original but it works. Opening my creaking door I felt around for the light switch. Hearing the distant sound of clicking on the wooden floorboards, I stop and listened to my surroundings like I was trained to. Focusing only on the clicking around and pushing everything else out of my brain.  The clicking comes closer and closer until its right next to me. 

I quickly turn the light on and look around. Well now I feel stupid as I see my giant German Shepard wagging her tail like there’s no tomorrow.

“Hey bear, it’s just me.” I tell my 2 year old dog.  Glancing at my kitchen I notice the dishes are still undone from this morning. I guess that’s the first thing I’m doing. I turned the tap on hot and start adding the soap. 

Although, I would love to just curl up and watch TV, I know I have to go re-read my next case. I gradually make my way up stairs to my office. I absolutely love this place. My house used to belong to my parents until my dad died of cancer and my mom was put in the old folk’s home. Thinking of that, I should go visit her soon. The house was left to me and I couldn’t bear to leave it. I lived right on the beach in L.A so every morning I could see the sun rise from my bedroom window. 

 I think this office was my favorite place of the whole house. All the furniture was oak wood and the carpet was a plus black. The reason I loved this office was not because of the office it’s self it was because of the door in the closet. When you opened up the closet there was a loose board that would pull out leaving a small crease in the wood. Small enough that only on finger could fit in and when you pulled it back it would open up into a door. The other room was my tech room. I had cameras all over my house. I’m not paranoid I just made allot of enemies in my line of work. Some of them did not take kindly to me killing their workers. I had a computer with nine monitors set up on the wall opposite the cameras and had all of my new cases put up on them. 

My head turned to look at the fist screen on the top. It had a picture of sky and the only things we knew about her case. Which was not a lot. I had about 5 other cases going on at the same time.

“Guess this is going to be a long night.” I told Bear who flopped down with a sigh on her dog bed I had put in the corner.Opening my first case file i began reading...


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