Hazzy Future

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 **Check out my blog at http://lotsaluv.webs.com/ it has all the info on my story,when im going to upload and contests :)

OK this one is only  half of the one i was going to upload. Please comment fan and vote. It would ean allot to me. Thanks :)


" Make sure they don't bust another window kay?" I told her. She started firing back out threw the back window. Suddenly the whole back of the car was on fire and I was swerving all over the road.  The car feel down a ditch and I reached over my seat to pull Sky out. As I dragged her out of the car the entire car blew up. I looked down at sky and noticed she wasn't moving. I check for her breath. Noting. No this had to be a mistake. I check aging. Nothing. That's when I noticed the hole in  her chest. It was blocked because of her jacket. and then I new. My Partner, Best friend and roommate  was dead.


That was about 5 months ago. The memory was still fresh in my mind like a broken disk that kept playing over and over again every time i shut my eyes. The office was still trying to track down who did it. The way they shot made it obvious that it was a professional who did it.

I went downstairs and made my way to the kitchen. Checking to see if i had any messages as I made my way to get something to eat.

"Emily Hazze, ID number 184930002"  I spoke into my phone to see if I was working today.

"One new message...' I garbed an orange juice container and sat down to here what was going on in the criminal world. " Hello agent Hazze, I need you to come down to my office at 9:30. speak to you then." The authority in Captain.Greens voice was not unusual, but coming to his office was. Usually he would just have me go to the meeting room to get briefed on what I had to do.

Checking the time I noticed i had about 30 mins to get there, traffic would take about 20 mins so I decided to go get dressed.

After a shower and new clothes I made my way down the stairs and out the door to my new car. I loved this car it was an 2011 Bugatti Veyron in the colour black. I absolutely loved this car.

Making my way into the office I showed my ID badge to to security and made my way to Greens office. I knocked on his door three times. It was a knock that all agents do so that he knows its an agent coming in. For example if it was a secretary they would knock four times.

"Come in." Came a voice from inside. Walking in I noticed that Green was not alone in his office. There was a boy no man in here too. 

Wow he's hot, I wonder who he is? I have never seen him before but he obviously works somewhere in the field because he's carrying a gun.

" Agent Hazze, This is agent Winters. He is going to be your new partner." Green said without looking me right in the eye. He knew how much I missed sky. How could he do this to me! He knew I didn't want another partner!

"With all due respect Captain Green, I respectably disincline, I do now need another partner."

" Emily," he started, oh boy he only does this when he goes all father figure on me. " Whathappenedto sky was an unfortunate things. But you cannot let it keep holding you back. You are one of my best agents and you need a partner. I think winters will be perfect for you. Your both stubborn." He said with a smile.

"But.." I was cut off.

"No buts, now get out of my office and get to know each other. You both have today off but I expect you to be here by 7 a.m tomorrow. Understood?" He said completely serious.

"Yes sir" I replied and made a motion with my head to tell my new *cringe* partner to follow me.

Well this is going to be interesting, hope he doesn't t think I'm an easy partner. Hopefully he quites soon.


Thanks for reading. Please vote. It really doesn't take that long and it would make me more happy to upload when I know someones reading it.

I also LOVE comments.


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