After a few minutes of a ravaging tranquility, a voice murmured,

"Stop fighting among yourselves.
We are trapped together and that's it.

We better find some weapons in case the killer tries to break in.",the eldest in the room enunciated.
The others scattered in order to explore pointed or heavy objects in the room.
"I found a paper cutter", You pull a blade cutter out of a short cupboard.

"I'll have that. It's not for a rookie like you", Seonghwa snatched the blade cutter from the speechless girl.

"Ahh.. Why are our chargers all wireless?
Had I been equipped with USB cables, I'd just strangle the hell out of that killer.
Technology will be our demise.", Yeosang threw his hands in air in annoyance.

On the other hand, Wooyoung and San found nothing in that empty studio..until there was a metallic *ting* cause by an unassembled table fan.

"I think this would be useful.", you hand San a sharp iron fan blade.
Mingi and wooyoung looked at you in awe.
"How did you do that?"

"I have a pen screw driver in my pocket, you know, just in case?"

"what are you? A car mechanic?"

They argued non stop.
There was no sign of them to work on this matter together as a team.
If only Hongjoong was still with them..

Another hour passed with the men gradually getting hungry. Who knew even the Pepsi which filled their entire dorm would abandon them this way.
"We have to get out of here", Wooyoung whined.

"yeah the killer must be gone, it's dead silent outside.", Yeosang agreed.

"as if."
"You heard us all this time arguing loud enough to... I'm wondering how has she still not come to get us.", the eldest stated the obvious truth.

Outside was as silent as a library. The studio where music blasted 24x7, reeked of a bloodbath massacre.

"I'm sure by now, it must have left the building.", Wooyoung pointed after fifteen more unbearable minutes.

"Rock paper scissors... Whoever looses has to go fetch help!", Mingi opined.

The five took their time in forming a perfect circle. In the first round, no odds were witnessed, so did in the second.
The third time everyone looked up at the face of the selected person.
The look on Yeosang's face never altered unlike Wooyoung's brimming smirk.
It was you who had to leave.


"a girl? Is that what you wanna say now?"

"No excuses", Seonghwa sternly moved closer to her.

"But it should be Mingi!
He suggested the game in the first place.", You countered.

"Yes.. Why send a vulnerable girl.",San stood next to you with some hesitation.

"Sannie it's enough!
It was fairly decided by a game and it doesn't matter if she's a girl when it comes to gender equality.", Wooyoung was amused yet irked by his best friend's visible bias.

"But I will defend her. Why not send Mingi with her since it was his idea."

"No. Plus I can't control my hunger. If she doesn't get us out, I might as well retort to cannibalism.", Wooyoung crossed arms while his breath tightened hinting his anger was not to be disregarded.
San came closer to wooyoung and proceeded to take his hand in his before being jerked off rashly.

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