???: I think we got off on the wrong foot the other night. I'm Leone. And you are?

Koga: Koga Hatake. What are you doing here?

Leone: I came here for a proposition.

Koga: What kind of proposition?

Leone: As you know, the empire's been getting worse these past years. There's been endless wars, purgings, and executions. That needs to stop. If you were skilled enough to take down Zanku, that means you have an imperial arm. I take it your sword is your imperial arms?

Koga: So what if it is? 

Leone: Join us and help rid the world of this empire and the minister who poisons it. Join the revolutionary army. Join Night Raid.

She extends her hand as she looks at Koga.

Koga: Get out of here. I don't plan on joining your team of assassins or an army anytime soon. I won't rat you out, but I won't join in on any of your schemes either.

Leone: Fine. But if you ever change your mind, you know where to meet me.

Leone walked off into the forest without saying another word. Koga was left with his thoughts. He looked up into the sky and stood there. He hopes that he's making the right choice.

Meanwhile, in the capital, things are not looking so good. Public executions happening all day and all night. Prime Minister Honest makes this pretty common among the people of this so-called "nation" 

This country doesn't even have a proper emperor. The emperor is a young child who doesn't even know what's going on in his country.

In the throne room, Honest, the emperor, senators, and a soldier were all standing before the emperor. Honest was standing beside the emperor while eating meat at the same time.

Soldier: Your majesty, I have news to report: Both General Nakakido and General Hemi have defected to the Revolutionary Army

Senator 1: General Nakakido is a brilliant strategist. The Revolutionary Army is gaining power at an alarming rate.

Senator 2: If we don't put a stop to this soon, the empire...

Emperor: Calm yourselves! They remain encamped in the south. We can deal with them at any time! Gathering together as they have simply made them easier to eliminate! Isn't that right, Prime minister?

Honest: (laughs) You are wise as always, Lord Makato. Once again, you are the voice of reason. But right now...

He lifts the slab of meat and pulls on it before swallowing a piece down.

Honest: We must concentrate on a more immediate threat. Night Raid. They killed Captain Ogre and my dear relative. They murdered Headhunter Zanku and took his Imperial arm. Damn Night Raid is making a mess of the capital. I'm calling back General Esdeath.

Senator 2: Forgive me for speaking out of term, but the Commander-in-Chief Budo is already here!

Honest: I'm sure the Great General has better things to do than hunt down a gang of bandits!

Budo: Fear not...

Through one of the doors, Great General Budo walks in. His armor is more polished and some new sets of scars are shown on his face.

Budo: If anyone tries to disrupt the peace of this great nation, I will dispose of them. Regardless of who they are. Give me orders and I will follow.

Honest: Admirable. But one can never be too careful. As a precaution, I'm recalling General Esdeath back. (I don't need her to capture them. I just need her to annihilate them as quickly as possible.)

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