08 | a very interesting morning

Start from the beginning

Samuel nodded his head shakily in understanding before walking to to the door of the room and leaving without another word.

"Take a seat, sweetheart."

His voice became apparent again as I watched him make his way inside the room slowly, reaching the side of the bed, where I was, in merely a few strides.

His body towered over me as he stood in front and eyed me through his dark lashes, wearing a black shirt which he had rolled till the elbows. The panic I had been feeling instantly transformed into hostility as I stared at him.

"Let me go." I sneered, my teeth gritted, throwing him a glare as a tried to push past him.

A low chuckle left his throat as his fingers tightly wrapped around my wrist in an instant, stopping me from leaving.

My eyes widened as I looked back at him, my rage rising to such a high level, I thought I would explode. "I said let me leave!" I yelled, struggling against his iron grip, but he refused to let go.

His lower lip jutted out as he feigned an innocent look, his face not showing even a trace of panic. "Aw, look at you trying to be angry." He mocked, his voice oozing with sarcasm, before his face morphed into a prominent glare.

His careless antics only fuelling my ire more, I gave up on trying to free my hand and scowled at him, my chest heaving up and down as I clenched my fists.

"So let me get this straight. You drugged me, kidnapped me, and now you won't let me leave? What the hell do you want?" I yelled at the top of my voice, my heartbeat quickening as I saw the bones of his face harden.

"Don't test my patience, sweetheart." He hissed dangerously and I scoffed in response, finally managing to push him away.

Just as I was about to walk past him, my movements were stopped by a strong tug on my hand that pulled me back, making my back collide with a hard surface.

I let out a gasp at the sudden impact, my eyes widening when they met with Noah's chartreuse ones inches away from my own. It was then that I realised that he had pulled me back into the chair placed near the bed, my body trapped in it as he leaned over, his hands placed on either side of me.

"Unless you would rather prefer dying, shut up and let me speak." He warned in a deadly tone, his hot breath fanning my lips as our faces rested inches away, "Because trust me when I say, I won't hesitate, even a single bit, if you choose the first option."

My chest heaved up and down as I leaned my head back, trying to get as far away as possible, our proximity doing something to rage a storm in my stomach. My brows furrowed as I looked into his eyes and nodded reluctantly.

He stood up, allowing me to breathe again, and put his hands in his pockets as he began speaking in a casual tone.

"Now, since my last warning in school didn't get through your head, I'm forced to do this shit."

I resisted the urge to scoff out loud and pursed my lips instead, looking up at him.

He continued. "So this time, cupcake, give me a straight and simple answer. How much do you want?"

My brows furrowed as I stared at him in confusion. "What?"

"How much money do you want to keep your mouth shut?" He repeated in a matter-of-fact tone, rolling his eyes.

My fists clenched at the edge of the chair as hot anger sizzled under my skin. I might just kill him today. "Excuse me?"

He ran his hands through his hair, tugging at the strands in frustration. Sitting down on the edge of the bed, right in front of me, his eyes shone with annoyance as he spoke next. "Look, I don't have time for this. I have a whole day to get to. So just name your price and get off my ass, 'kay?"

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